Chapter 3

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How could I just blurt that out and run off?

They'd known each other for a long time now, and it wasn't like they hadn't thrown the L word back and forth before, but this was different, and Nick knew it. I'll figure this out while I go get coffee. He squinted from the early morning light and wished he hadn't forgotten his sunglasses.

Several minutes later, he walked through the front door of the Kopi Luwak Coffeehouse and was amazed to find it almost deserted.

When I'm in a hurry, this place is always packed. Today of all days it has to be empty?

He spoke to the civet behind the counter. "I'll have the usual."

The civet smiled at Nick before she glanced around, as if she were looking for someone. Oh good grief, she's wondering where Judy is.

She paused and looked at Nick. "You're by yourself today?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Oh, I need to get the order to go."

The civet nodded. "Two coffees and two muffins?"

Nick slouched against the counter and tried to hide his nervousness. "That's right darlin'."

She rang up his order and he paid and walked away, almost making it to the exit before he paused and came back to the counter. I can't believe I almost walked out without the order I just paid for. Ok, pull yourself together, Wilde. He took a deep breath and tried to clear his thoughts. It's simple, you'll just go back and ask her how she feels. Easy peasy.

Normally Nick would have enjoyed a little harmless flirting while he waited, but today his heart just wasn't in it. He mindlessly played with the napkin dispenser until the civet placed his order on the counter. "Can I get you anything else?"

Nick smiled at her. "Nope, thanks." He stared at the bag and two coffees for a few seconds and then picked them up. Well, unless I'm planning on drinking both of these coffees and eating two muffins, I better head back.

Nick had to fight the urge to turn tail and run home on the walk back to Judy's apartment. It's no big deal, this isn't the first time that you've told someone that you love them. What's the problem here? He kept repeating variations of this to himself over and over until he stood in front of her door. Just as he reached to open it, Nick froze when he realized something that made his chest tighten uncomfortably. Except this is the first time I've ever told another mammal I loved them before they said it to me first.


Judy gaped at the empty space where Nick had been standing seconds earlier. She heard the front door open and then slam shut. What the hell? Did he just say he loved me before he bolted out of here like his tail was on fire? She briefly considered running after Nick. He's probably already halfway across the city, and I don't even know where my pants are.

They said they loved each other now and then, but it had always just been lighthearted banter. Except this time, his voice was... well, happy, instead of his usual teasing voice. And he looked terrified immediately after he'd said it. Now that she thought about it, Nick definitely wasn't his usual snarky self the past few days. He hadn't even teased her about getting stuck in the tree. Him ignoring such juicy material to razz her about was downright unheard of.

She got up and opened the window. What if he doesn't come back? Judy watched the goat groundskeeper going about his work and she tried not to panic. Her gut twisted as she thought about what it would be like if Nick didn't return. We've always been there for each other. He'll be back.

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