TEN - death hands

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Please feel free to continue leaving me your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

Ten - Death hands

It has been a whole month since Ichigo learned that he was something other than human. A whole month since he learned about Darichi and the fact that he was a Shinma. During that month Ichigo spent training. He learned much about himself and that there were a few Daemons whom were willing to fight with him if he ever needed them. But what troubled Ichigo the most during that month was the sudden deaths of lots of humans. Ichigo couldn't help but to feel that it was the work of those artificially created Daemons. He has been hearing reports that some humans have been found drained of their blood and other humans whom were perfectly healthy just dropped dead for no reason.

I don't like this Ichigo. Clearly they are offering us a challenge. I say that we should find the ones responsible for this and make them pay. snarled Darichi.

Calm yourself Darichi. Everytime we get close to these Daemons, they slip through our fingers. Everybody is looking into the cause of death. Don't worry so much we will find out what is going on. stated Ichigo mentally.

I hope that your right. snapped Darichi. Ichigo rubbed his head as he struggled to keep Darichi under control.

"Having troubles Ichigo?" asked Tōshirō. Ichigo sighed out loud as he shook his head.

"Just troubles with my other half." replied Ichigo.

"Are you two fighting again?" asked Renji. Renji knew that Tōshirō wasn't human and that he was one of the few Daemons willing to help Ichigo out.

"We aren't fighting. He is just irritated. That's all." replied Ichigo as both boys laughed. This caused Ichigo to shake his head.

Later on Ichigo stopped by the hospital to see his father. With his father's connections in the hospital, he could find out the causes of death from the victims that died. Ichigo walked through the hospital saying hello to a few people that he saw as he went towards his father's office. He knocked on the door before he entered. His father Isshin was reading over the reports as Ichigo entered closing the door behind him. Isshin looked up briefly gesturing for Ichigo to sit down.

"So what's the verdict dad?" asked Ichigo.

"I can determine that whatever killed them definitely wasn't human. The ones that had their blood drained had two distinct wounds on their necks. I believe this maybe the work of a vampire." replied Isshin.

"I thought as much. What about the others?" Ichigo asked.

"There's the interesting question. Each person was very healthy and lively. Then suddenly without any explanation, they dropped dead. Upon further examination, it seems that all of their internal organs collapsed upon themselves. Nothing I know of can cause something like that to happen. Which can only mean one thing, Deamons." stated Isshin.

Why am I not surprised? Ichigo we have to find the ones behind this and stop them. I have a really bad feeling about this. Humans are beginning to notice the strange occurrences. stated Darichi. Ichigo got up from his chair placing his book bag down in the corner.

"I won't be home tonight. I have to stop them."

"I understand son, just promise me that you'll be careful." stated Isshin.

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