Winner/ new game

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:Hey guys,

I got the first winner of our first game yay. It was definatly hard but i've come to a decision lol So i've dedicated this to the winner XD oh and also you get a brillant and an invisible cookies. Don't eat them all at once lol.

Ok i've got a new game hehe.

I will list a few of quotes below which have been said by someone from Merlin. The aim of the game is to tell me who said it, what series it is from and if your really good which episode.

Everyone have a go at this it be fun XD.

Oh and also you will find a picture to the side or should i say part of a picture the aim of that is to let me know who you think it is or what it is hehe.

Ok thats two games to keep you having a laugh and have some fun.

Oh one last thing before i put the quotes down it looks like Michelle Ryan who plays Nimueh will not return! (this is a rumour though)

Ok so here are the quotes.

1. Yes, its not as fat as yours!

2. Oh no sorry, I was talking about your friend here.

3. Would you like me to show you how to use the bucket?

4. Absolutely,sire I'll do anything you say....for a price.

5. Don't be such a girl, ******, we are not going on holiday.

6. What the hell are you doing here?

7. Why can you just never say thanks.

Ok there are 7 here so lets see how you all do XD.

Don't forget to do the picture on the side too :P

Good luck :P

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