Hero. What are you?

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This is a poem i wrote after seeing Green Lantern...these are a little of my feelings on what a hero is...Not that being a hero is bad or the most wonderful ting in the world. Just read and enjoy...!


There is the unlikely

and there's the unexpected

Great they may be

But the definition still stands to be corrected

Some die.

Often they survive.

In peace some lye.

Most are forgotten on our long life drive

What do we owe to our saviors?

More than we can give.

They defeated those who could destroy us with their unruly behavior.

They claim the reward is us being able to live.

As we honor our warriors we forget the underdog.

To us they have no value.

For they are the ones who clear our hero's path through the fog

Then again they didn't risk it ALL for you

There are those who do.

And there are those who think.

Again we thank only who?

Now your beliefs are on the brink.

What I am saying isn't about one or the other!

Why think that way?

We all want to believe in a higher power than each other.

Why treat it as an ocean when it's only just a bay?

A hero is one who has what it takes,

to take it all.

If this world is what we make,

Then the hero is us all.

Hero. What are you?Where stories live. Discover now