Our lives have just begun

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Samia's POV

It was the last day of school. The past few days had been crazy, and to think I was graduating tonight made it all the more exciting. Until then, though, I had to sit through an end of the year assembly where our teachers basically just told us all how proud they were of us and how much we've grown over the past four years. That really didn't apply to me since I moved here at the beginning of April and it was June now.

I sighed in impatience when I heard the speaker start with closing statements and grabbed my things to try and get out the door and beat the crowd. As soon as they said a thank you and everyone began clapping, I stood and bolted for the door. I swung my bag over my shoulder and made my way out the front door of the school and down the street towards home. It would be an understatement to say I had been stressed the last couple of weeks of school with everything with Vic and graduation fast approaching. I was hoping that after tonight everything would calm down and I could relax.

I was starting to feel so when I heard a loud car honk and flinched at the sudden noise. I turned around and saw Mike's familiar car pulling up along side me with the window down.

"Want a ride?" He called through the open window. I hesitated, remembering what he had done to me the last time I saw him, but agreed knowing that he had worked everything out with Vic, and I knew he was truly a good person. I climbed in beside him and smiled in thanks.

"Hey, how have you been? Excited to graduate?" He asked as I buckled my seatbelt. I shrugged.

"Of course. Maybe things will finally settle down after everything with Vic, you know?" I asked. Immediately Mike looked devastated. I wasn't sure why, though. And then a thought crossed my mind. Mike hadn't seen Vic since that night they talked. "Mike--" I started, ready to explain.

"Don't." He cut me off. I gave him a confused look to which he just shrugged. "He's gone. I'd rather not think about it too much." He said, sighing. "At least he was happy, you know? He was so unhappy when he was alive, but now he--"

"Mike!" I snapped. He shut his mouth and glanced at me quickly. I laughed and shook my head. "Vic's not gone." I said simply. Mike was silent for a second.

"He's not?" He asked tentatively. I shook my head.

"He's not even dead." I continued. I paused then spoke again. "At least...not anymore." Mike looked shocked and I couldn't blame him. I was too when Vic and I first figured it out. "Don't ask how--I really can't explain it--but something happened and he's back." I said before Mike could bombard me with questions.

"W-What?" He asked. I sighed and repeated my.

"Vic is alive again. We don't know why, or how, but he is. He's living and breathing." Mike's jaw hung open. He came to a stop at the end of my driveway and his eyes were fixated on the house. I hesitated for a moment and watched him before putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Do you want to come in?" I offered. Mike looked to me then looked back at the house.

"No, no. It's okay." He insisted. I knew he didn't mean it, but it didn't seem like Vic was going anywhere. They could see each other whenever they wanted. I shrugged.

"Suit yourself." I muttered before opening the car door. I felt Mike grab my wrist before I could go, though. I turned back. He was still staring at the house, almost in a trance.

"Is...Is Vic going to be there tonight? At the ceremony?" He asked. I looked over at the house and smiled.

"Yeah. He'll be there." I told him before climbing out. "See you tonight." I called back as I headed inside.

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