"The group"

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                                        2 WEEKS LATER

         I get up out of bed, and I head to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror, and I wonder 'why do I have such a horrible face that no one wants to look at' I walk out of the bathroom, then I get dressed because I have to go to a place I don't want to go to. "Are you ready!?" My mother yells. "Yes." I said In a upsetting way. We get in the car, and head off to 'the group.' " We're here" my mother says. "great" i said in a anger way. I walk up to the church, and turned around to wave to my mom. I take a deep breath and headed inside. I walked up to the group and they had already started. The doctor said "welcome Sarah, you may sit down next to Sammy" I went to the seat that he told me to sit at. 

               'I hate this, why am I even here?' I think to myself. "Sarah, would you please tell us why you are here?" the doctor said and everyone looked at me. "I...I tried to kill myself, that is why I am here." I said with tears in my eyes. "And why did you do that Sarah?" asked the doctor, and everyone layed their eyes on me. "Because I.....I felt like everyone had hated me, and everyone told me that i should just die, So i tried to kill myself." I said while crying. Everyone was tearing up, even the doctor. I just wanted to go run away from them so they would stop looking at me. But, I made a promise to my mom that I had to stay, so I stayed. 

                     "Thank you for sharing." the doctor said. The day was almost over, and I walk outside to wait for my mom to pick me up. Then, the girl that was sitting next to me, came up to me and said "Hi, i'm sammy." "Hey..." I said lightly."Your really pretty, I love your eyes they're so blue." said sammy."Thank you." I said in a happy way. "Do you like girls? like you should like boys?" asked sammy. "Haha, yeah. Do you?" i said in a laughing manner. "Yeah, would you like to get together sometime" sammy asked. "sure." I said. Then, my mother  drove up to me. " Are you ready?" my mother said. "Yup." I said.

                We finally got home, and I went straight to my room, my mother looked worried. and followed me up. "Do not close this door!?!" my mother said in a anger way. "OKAY!?!?! I know!" I yelled. Then, she walked away. I went over to my bed and sat down. I started to cry, I hate crying yet, I always cry. I layed down and went to sleep. 

                THE NEXT DAY

          I get out of bed, then head I down stairs. 'I smell breakfast' I thought to myself. "Breakfast is ready!?!" my father yells. I go over and make my plate, and head over to the couch to sit down. "I'm going to work, love you sweetpea" my father said to me while kissing my fore head. Then, he walked out the door, My mom starts to clean the dishes. I walk over to her and said "Don't worry mom, I got it." Then, I start doing the dishes. "Thanks sweety." my mother said. I got done with the dishes, and went to go grab my phone to text sammy. 'Hey! can you hangout today?' Then, I hit send and wait for her to reply back.

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