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         I'm confused.

 I can't stop pacing. This room is so empty without her here with me. The walls are bland, there's no point of me being here without her. She wouldn't leave me here standing at the alter waiting for her when she wasn't going to pull through, she isn't that type of person. So the million dollar question is where is she?   

Claire walked in the room looking sullen, "She's not here." My heart broke. Leanne loves me, why would she leave ? I looked at the two girls in front of me. If she wanted to leave I'm sure she would have said something to one of them. "Did she speak to any of you before her disappearance?"

Joy flinched at the tone of my voice. "Calm down, Lucas. We were all in the bedroom helping her  get ready, she was so happy. I can't believe she left, but she did talk to Elizabeth. She was the last one to see her."

Elizabeth, I don't trust her, never have actually. She is always fawning over me and somehow Leanne never noticed. How could she not ? It is obvious she is envious of my girl. "Where is she ? Why is she not here right now?" Joy and Claire looked at each other, seeming to be doubtful about what to say. 

Joy then looked at the wall. She knows something or she's hiding something. "Joy ? You look doubtful, I'm not stupid, you obviously know something. Tell me what it is." My sister has always been one to know almost everything about everyone, she just has that trustworthy energy. 

"After we left the room all the bridesmaids began getting ready and when it was time to leave we went to our designated cars. Well, except Elizabeth because she said that Leanne wanted her to help her in the limo. She stayed with Leanne and they were supposedly going in the limo together. I didn't believe it, but I didn't say anything. If Anne would've wanted help she would've asked Claire or I. You know that Elizabeth still holds a grudge, even if she acts like she doesn't, but I think Leanne knows that. I can't help but feel like Elizabeth planned something."

My head is starting to hurt from all of this new information. It all makes sense though. Leanne has always been closer to Claire, maybe even my sister. Elizabeth and her have been having so many quarrels lately, so it is possible that she wants to make Leanne for what happened. I don't understand why Joy would not have said something sooner. I know women like Elizabeth they are capable of anything to get what they want. And she wants me. 

"Okay, I have an idea."

Elizabeth will regret ever messing with my girl.


I'll be editing this book and tweaking things around. From now on this will be the Prologue. Sorry if it gets confusing !

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