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Mikaela awoke to her mother's warm hand on her cheek. The little girls eyes fluttered open and a soft smile grew onto her face.

"Tea is ready darl," Janelle said. Mikaela nodded her head softly and Janelle planted a kiss on her cheek and left the room. Mikaela sat on her bed smelling the food that was ready for her in the kitchen. The smell of roast lamb and vegetables wafted through the house. She stood from her bed and wiped her cheeks, plastering a fake smile upon her pale little face. She walked out into the kitchen and there on the couch she saw the same sight she had a few months ago; her mum and dad sitting on the couch, no where near each other. Her dad with the recliner up and both of them with a tray and a pillow eating from the silver plates in their laps. The only noise was the tv going.

Mikaela walked up to the kitchen bench and grabbed her food off the table. She sat on the floor, as she always did and began to eat. She wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. She reluctantly ate the broccoli and the zucchini off of her plate and pushed it away. She crawled up onto her dad's lap and he took her in his arms. She rested on his chest. That was how the rest of the night was spent. Her mum looked over at the sight and a single tear slipped from her eye and a smiles formed on her lips. It had been a while since she had seen her husband and her daughter happy. She stood from her chair and began to clean the kitchen. Soon enlighten it was done and Home and Away was finished which meant bed time for Mikaela. The little girl stood from her chair went to the bathroom and cleaned her teeth, went to the toilet and came back out. She wrapped her little arms around her mum and gave her a hug.

"I love you mummy,"

"Love you too honey sleep well,"

She then walked over to her dad, and pulled him into a massive hug.

"I love you daddy have a nice, great sleep,"

"You too baby girl I love you," and with that Mikaela walked out into her area, fed her fish and headed into her room. She laid down on her bed and look at the stars for a while saying good night to her grandad. Soon enough she fell off into a deep sleep.


I know what your thinking... "Did she just update the book?"

Yes yes I did. I'm sorry I haven't in a while but I will be from now on. :)

This was a bit touchy feely I know.

Anyway please vote fan and comment

Xx love youse

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2013 ⏰

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