~Casey & April~

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~April's POV~

After my conversation with Raph I knew that he was right. He and I both have feelings for each other, but we can't​ be together because we're completely different. I love Casey, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it's just so hard to be with him. It doesn't make any sense. I find myself thinking that it might be easier to be with Raph just because he's well, him. I walked into Casey and I's apartment to see him laying on the couch drinking a beer, he looked at me.

"Hey Babe, how was the sewer after I left?"

"Fine, I talked to Raph, he's just having a hard time. You being the ass that you are didn't make the situation much better."

"Don't act like this is my fault, he's the one who used the language in front of Splinter. Then he ran off and threw his little temper tantrum all because he likes two girls at once and one of them he can't have because I have her."

I looked at him and I was pissed, he knew this whole fucking time that Raph was in love with me and he never said a damn word. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the apartment, he followed, catching me before I could disappear back into the sewer.

"April, Babe, where the hell are you going?"

"To talk to Raph, maybe I can make this work after all. I can't be with you another fucking minute. Keep the damn apartment, I'll stay with the guys and Splinter."

"April what the fuck are you talking about? You can't honestly be serious about trying to have a relationship with a turtle? What the fuck are you thinking, are you feeling okay babe?"

"No, I'm not okay, because you knew and you never told me. You knew and you let Raph see us together. You tortured him and he doesn't deserve that. I've always felt something for that turtle. I stayed with you because I was hoping that you would change my feelings. That I would feel something for you, but after this I don't think that'll ever happen."

"Alright, fine, just know that when this shit falls through you still got me and that shitty little apartment to come back to."

I pulled my wrist from his hand and walked down into the sewer. I went through the tunnels to Raph's room only to see everyone watching him with someone. I walked over to see him and Ronda together. I knew that she told him how she felt, and that he was letting me go. I knew that he was giving her a chance and letting me go. I turned around and walked out of the sewer heading back to my shitty little apartment and my shitty fucking relationship. The whole time I was wishing that I would've given Raph the chance when I could've. I walked into the apartment changing my clothes before crawling into bed, with Casey beside me.

"I see you changed your mind, glad you made the right choice."

"Shut up Casey, this will never be the right choice."

I laid there with small tears sliding down my face before I fell into a peaceless sleep.

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