"What's the point?"

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          I walked into the big doors, people stared at me like I didn't belong. I start to walk to class, but then someone bumps into me. "Hey! Watch where you're going!?!" The person says. "I..I I'm sorry" I said nervously. The person storms off, I pick up my belongings and I head off to class. "You're late young lady!" Says the teacher angrily. "I..I..I'm sorry, I didn't know where the class was." I said upset. "What is your name young lady?" Asked the teacher. "I'm Sarah hunter." I said while walking to a seat. Then, the class began, I  started to draw in my notebook.

           The day was almost over, but I couldn't handle being here at this horrible place. The bell rang, it was the end of the day. But, I didn't want to get on that bus. So, I started to text my mother. *can you pick me up today?* I hit the send button waiting for her to reply back. *ding* I reach into my pocket to grab the phone. *sure, I'm on my way.* a couple minutes later she arrives, "hey, sweety." My mother says. "Hi." I said while pulling down my long sleeves to hide my scars I gave myself the other night.  We arrive at home, I go straight to my room and locking the door. "She locked her door again" my father said nervously. They run up the stairs to my room, I knew they were there but I didn't care.

             I open a cabinet of my desk, and I grab a little blue and black box. I know I shouldn't do this again, but I knew I had to. I open the little box, and there lays my razor blades.

               One cut, two cuts, three cuts, four, I watch the blood drip down my arm. Then, I saw that I was loosing to much blood so, I cutted some more. I fall out of the chair onto the floor making a loud noise. My father  kicks in the door, and finds me laying almost dead on the floor. My mother Cry's out for help, and my father he calls 911. "Hello, what is the emergency?" Asked the 911 operator. "My daughter tried to kill herself!! Please hurry!" My father said while tears fall down His face.

         The ambulance is here, they put me on the operating table. They tried everything they could, I didn't make it. "I'm so sorry for your loss." The doctor said. My mother Cry's even more. But, then you could hear a scream coming from my room, the doctors run tores the room and found me alive.

          Everyone was confused, I looked around the room and people are crying I have no idea why. "Who are you guys?" I lied. My mother Cry's some more, but louder. The doctor explained it to me, but I knew everything that had happened so far and I didn't want to go back home. "Hi, sweety do you know who I am?" My mother asked worried. "No!! Get away from me!!! Who are you!?!" I yelled while crying. "I am your mother..." I knew I shouldn't have done that, I have to fix it. "Okay, I remember, I thought you guys didn't care.." I said nervously. "Of course we care we are your PARENTS!?!" My father yelled. I start to cry, he couldn't look me in the eye. He is disguised by me, I mean who wouldn't.

The end of a beginningOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora