Meeting Naozumi

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~Meeting Naozumi~

It was a very sunny morning at the Momoka house...

Himeko: Mom, I'll be late for school...

Mom: Ok dear, just a minute.

Jun: Onee-san, can I come? Can I? Can I?

[ Jun is my little brother, he is 6 years old and is in Kinder, he likes to play with his big brother and sister ]

Himeko: Sorry Jun, but you have to stay with big brother for today. I'm off to school.

Jun: Awww, Onee-san, don't you like me? *starts to cry*

Himeko: *pats Jun's head* Don't worry, Onee-san will be home later to play with you.

Jun: Really?

Himeko: Yep, you can play with Big brother Kaoru for now.

Kaoru: WHAT?!

[ Kaoru is my big brother, he is 19 years old and is in college, he likes to play his guitar ]

Jun: Okay, I will play with Big brother first!!

Himeko: That's a good boy, you go play.

Kaoru: Why do you always have to let him play with me?

Himeko: Cause you are the eldest, you should know.

Kaoru: That was offensive.

Himeko: When was that offensive?

Kaoru: When you said that I should--

Jun: *jumps at Kaoru* Let's play!!

Kaoru: Ehhhh?!

Mom: I'm all done, let's go.

Himeko: Bye Jun....and Kaoru. *smirks*

Jun: Bye Onee-san!! ^^


Himeko: *closes door* Teehee.

{ Time Skip : At the school }

Mom: We're here, bye dear.

Himeko: Bye mom!!

T. Hisae: Class, let me introduce you to Himeko Momoka!! Our new transfer student!!

[ Teacher Hisae is our homeroom teacher, she is 26 years old and she is very kind ]

Himeko: I'm Himeko Momoka, please take care of me!! *bows*

T. Hisae: Please sit anywhere you like.

{ Sees empty seat beside a red-haired guy }

Himeko: May I sit here?

Naozumi: Sure, its vacant anyway.

Himeko: Thank you. *sits down*

Naozumi: Hey, I'm Naozumi Kokoshi, nice to meet you.

Himeko: Hello, Naozumi-san, nice to meet you too.

{ Time Skip : After Classes }

Megumi: Girls, look!! It's the transfer student, let's give her a warm welcome.

[ Megumi is the most popular girl in the school, she is 16 years old, and she likes hot boys and makeup ]

Himeko: H-hello, My name is--

Omoe: Just shut up, your name is so boring!!

[ Omoe is one of Megumi's girls, she is 16 years old, and she likes makeup and clothes ]

Himeko: Umm...I'm sorry but did I do anything wrong?

Megumi: Yes you did, talk to our Naozumi-kun!!

Omoe: Yeah, you are so arrogant, can you just annoy a different school??

Himeko: But I--

Megumi: Oh look, she has a very beautiful hair, lets cut it and sell it.

Omoe: Thats a good idea!! You are really smart Megumi-chan!!

Himeko: What?! Your going to what?!

Megumi: Can you just shut up. *hands out scissors*

Himeko: *looks surprised* W-what are you going to do??

Omoe: Megumi-chan is going to cut your stupid hair!!

Megumi: Get ready for a hair cut, you whore.

{ Naozumi suddenly appears and stops the scissors by putting his arms around Himeko }

Megumi: N-naozumi-kun?!

Omoe: What are you doing here?!

Himeko: N-naozumi-san?!

Naozumi: What are you trying to do with her?!

Megumi: *throws scissors* N-nothing!!

Naozumi: Were you trying to hurt her?!

Omoe: We weren't trying to do that....

Naozumi: Explain the scissors then.

Megumi: E-eto....

Omoe: *whispers to Megumi* Let's run for it.

Megumi: *whispers back* Got it.

Himeko: ( Omg, Naozumi-san, why are you hugging me so tight? It feels so warm )

Megumi & Omoe: *runs away*

Naozumi: Are you okay? Himeko-san?

Himeko: I-im...okay...( Your still hugging me )

Naozumi: *realises that he is hugging Himeko* Aaahhhh!! *blushes* I-im sorry Himeko-san!!

Himeko: *smiles* Its fine, you didn't realise it anyway...

Naozumi: *blushes and bows* I'm very sorry!!

Himeko: *crosses arms* You don't have to bow...

Naozumi: Okay, but I wanna make friends with you!!

Himeko: *blushes* What??

Naozumi: Listen, I know we only just met, but I think we should be friends...*blushes*

Himeko: ( Just friends, its just friends Himeko... ) *smiles brightly* Ok then, I'll be your friend!!

Naozumi: Arigatou, Himeko-chan!!

Himeko: *blushes* C-chan?!

Naozumi: *blushes hardcore* S-sorry!! I wasn't careful of my words...

Himeko: *laughs softly* That's okay.

Naozumi: *blushes* ( She thinks I'm funny? ) I'm glad!!

Himeko: What? *tilts head*

Naozumi: *blushes and covers face* Gomen!! My words slipped out my mouth again!!

Himeko: That's the second time!! ^^

Naozumi: *scratches head* Haha, gomen.

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