Romantic Crossdresser

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Hello my dear, dear Reader-chan! Welcome to a ImForeverChocolated story that will make you... whatever emotions co-exist with the world today, so anyway, welcome to my story, Romantic Crossdresser.

This is just a simplified note, and you can understand what the story is about on the story description, I hope you don't skip this, even though its not important anyway. I love you if you didn't skip this. X3

If you want to express any emotion from this story, just tell me or say it in the comments! I'm okay with anything.. just not bad things about my chocolate, thats strictly forbidden. I love you for commenting, voting and reading my story Reader-chan! I like loyal readers!

This is the important part of the note, if you want to participate, thank you.

I will be hosting an event, but not a grand one... I'll want those readers to participate on making a fanfic about this, and send it to me on PM's if you're done. For those who want to participate, after I finished this story, try to create a fanfic about this story, and I will pick who will those lucky ones be.

The prize will be, a follow from me, loyal votes and reads from me. Hope you can participate! Plus, there will only be a maximum of 2 winners. You may create a story about one couple, HimekoX??? or another storyline but includes Himeko, the characters, and being part of a cafe ( Any cafe its okay if its not a all-boys cafe ).

Let the games, begin! Start making those books as this book ends!


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