Days of Confusion

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 Why does it end and why does it Begin. I want it to end but it always has a beginning. I'm stuck and I'm lost, the path I chose might be the wrong way. But then again it had no right or wrong. Many more years will come and many more will die but my time will come and my time will end, like the trees I see falling down. But the ones you choose can effect in many ways and there is a purpose to everything we do. The path we choose depends on the heart and choose wisely for it might and can tear us apart.


One two many, three months of all, I know that its crazy so I wont get too hazy. The pumpkin patch is utterly growing.

But I scratch and scratch cause its gone out of notice. My world is an empty place where thorns grow in my head and stab through my brains.

Six one, nine ten. Five more in my den. I couldn't understand why my thoughts were running wild.

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