Ruthless Werewolf King

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Cassandra POV

Taking a sip of my vodka I look around. Sweaty bodies dancing against each other to the beat of the song. Amy is with some random guy dancing like she has never danced before.

A charming young man comes up to me. He has a head full of sandy hair and honey coloured eyes.

'Hey, you looked lonely so I thought I'd come up to you,' he says. Mentally rolling my eyes I force a smile on my face 'Awe that nice, what's your name?'

He grins in response 'Oh my name is Sam pretty lady, what's yours?'

'I'm Cassandra, you can call me Cass,'

'Beautiful name' he whispers huskily

'Would you join me for a dance babe'

'Sure..' I reply.

He takes my hand in his and leads me to the dance floor.

My all time favourite Jennifer Lopez Hit on the floor comes on. I dance to the beat. Sam's hands are having a mind of their own. He's taking them lower and lower making we wriggle in frustration. This wasn't what I planned. I was hoping it would be a harmless dance, not a one night. I look around desperately, my eyes vigorously searching for Amy. However, being at the back of the club was a bad choice. No matter what he tries to do with me, no one can hear. Heart pounding I try to push his hands away but all I receive is a slap to the face. My eyes start filling up with tears as I know there is no way out.

He pushes me on to the wall and places his head into the crook of my neck.

'Mmm, you smell delicious..'

Okay. This boy must seriously have some mental issues. No stranger would come up to you and smell you. He closes his eyes and I take this as a chance to get away. I scream as loud as I can. His hand bangs against the wall just above my head, leaving a massive dint.


My eyes are left open in shock.

Furiously he places his rough, wet lips on top of mine. Hot tears stream down my face like waterfalls. In less than a second he is ripped of me and thrown to the other wall. My knight in shining armour. He lifts him up with one arm as though he weighs nothing and punches him repeatedly until he is knocked out and then carelessy throws him on the floor. As he turns around I am mesmerized by his face. His hair is honey brown and an unruly mess ontop of his head. You know like that ' roll out of bed look'. I like that. His eyes are black, black darker than coal. It's like his eyes have got no end. I just stare at him.

'Are you okay?' His voice is soo husky. I think I'm in love.

'Yes, I'm fine. Thanks a lot for saving me.'

'No worries, now this princess must have a name..'

I Blushing furiously I whisper 'Cassandra Alonso'

'Beautiful name for a beautiful girl'

'Do I get to know your name..?'

He chuckles quietly. He looks so handsome. Crinkles form around his eyes. As I look at his eyes again they are no longer black, now they look an amber colour. My mind must be playing tricks with me.

'Darling my name is Rafael. Rafael Ramirez'

His name sounds so strong, well there's no doubt about that. With his black polo shirt snug around his broad bulky arms. His chest looks as though it is going to rip open the shirt. I bet he's got an eight pack, solid muscle. Okay maybe I'm going a bit too far.

Suddenly the lights of the club go off. I freeze in shock. Someone grabs my arm and tugs me. I feel sparks or as many would say 'tingles' shoot through my arm. I try to pull my hand away but the person holding it has a tight grip onto it. We reach a neon green sign which reads 'Fire Exit'. We finally get out and I see the person holding my hand so hard was Rafael. That name makes my heart flutter. He takes me until we reach a red Ferrari. Arghhh! Why has everyone got nice cars but me!

'Hey it's quite late, do you need dropping off anywhere?'

Well he could drop me home but there would be no one home. I don't even know where Amy has gone. She promised me I could go home with her.

'Is something wrong Casey'

Wow, talk about quick. He's already gave me a nickname.
'Ermm.. Well I don't have my keys, I'll just wait for Amy, she shouldn't be long' I say whilst lowering my eyes to the ground. He places a finger under my chin and gently pushes it up. 'You don't need to lower your gaze from me, It would be fine if you stayed at my house.' His request seems tempting but I've only just met him. Yes he saved my life but he still is a stranger. But this seemed like my only option. I think a little and then reply 'Yes please, if that's fine with you.'
'Everything about you is totally fine with me' he says whilst winking. I blush again, what is this man doing to me I have only just met him and I'm already blushing. He opens the passenger seat for me like a gentleman and I slowly enter whispering a thank you. He comes around and sits in the driver seat. I look around fascinated by the car. It's my first time being in a ferrar. I rub my hands on the leather seats in anticipation.

'Seems as though you've never been in a car before Casey'

'Well I have but not in a FERRARI'

Rafael laughs at my expression. His laugh is like a melody to me.

'Why don't I show you all my cars, you can have one..'

I laugh humorously. 'Is that supposed to be one of your lame pick up lines.'

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