Years Past

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"Sarah? Is that you?" I heard a feminine voice behind me call out.

I slowly turned around to see the owner of the voice. It was my best friend. Or, at least it was my old best friend. I hadn't seen her since high school.

She looked just like she did 4 years ago. Her hair which used to be a light blonde was back to its natural brunette and went past her shoulders. She still had her small black framed glasses hiding her brown eyes. It seemed that she had gotten even taller than what she used to be. I looked her up and down and she still looked good. She was on the skinnier side but you could tell that she was healthy. A light blue coat covered her black tank top. Her dark skinny jeans fit her figure better than the ones she used to wear. I noticed she had her black converse on. The same pair of shoes we fought over in our sophomore year.

"Catie..." I whispered. I could feel the tears forming in the corners of my eyes as I ran from behind the counter and into her embrace. "Oh my god. I missed you so much."

I could feel her laugh. "I missed you too sis."

We let each other go and we both let out a small laugh. It was amazing seeing her again. We had lost touch once we both got into college. She went out to California for an IMD scholarship, while I stayed here in Ohio for a teaching degree.

"You look great Sarah." She said with a smile. I smiled back at her.

The past four years have been semi-good to me. I let my hair grow out again to where it went down to my elbows. I hadn't dyed my hair in a few years so my hair was completely back to its original dirty blonde shade. I still had my green eyes that I swore have gotten brighter. I grew a couple inches, even though I was still shorter than her. My body had also thinned out a little bit. I no longer had the slight stomach I had in high school. It wasn't as flat as Catie's, but I did manage to lose a small amount of weight.

"Thanks Catie. But you look even better." She blushed slightly at my words. "What are you even doing back here? I thought you were a Cali girl now."

"I finished college. I have a bachelor's degree in my IMD studies. I'm also managed to get my veterinary license. That's one reason I'm back."

I stood there in awe. She managed all that in only four years. That was majorly impressive. All I had done was get my teaching degree and now I was a teacher's assistant at our old high school. I was also still writing as a side job. I had found a few small publishers who liked my work. One of them had a part time job with me at the Barnes and Nobles we stood in.

"That's great Catie. I'm happy for you."

She smiled back at me. "So, I take it this is where you work?"

I laughed. "Only part time. Actually," I began pulling out my phone to check the time. "I get off work in like 10 minutes. Can you hang out for a bit?"

"Yeah. I'm going to walk down to Starbucks. You want something?"

I just looked at her.

"Venti vanilla?" She asked with a smirk.

"And this is why we were sisters. I'll see you in a little bit Catie." I said as I went back behind the counter to finish boxing up some of the unsold books.   

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