Entry Five: Disappointed

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Hey guys, I hope you like this. I'm sorry... I wrote this a really long time ago and I'm now realizing how tired I must have been when I wrote all of this. 

Entry Five

it’s raining. i’m tired.

it was really awkward earlier today, because when i went to my locker that couple that’s always there was making out. then they stopped when i came and it was just awkward. i never know whether or not to say hi, so i always kinda look away and quickly get my stuff.

what would you do?

why am i even asking an inanimate thing what they would do? that’s the point of inanimate, they can’t do anything anyways.

am i inanimate, then? cause i can’t do anything either. it’s like the more i try the worse i make situations. when i do nothing situations get worse too. but then again i’m alive. so i’m animate?

maybe i shouldn’t write when i’m tired. i don’t think it ever works out so well for me.

i’m so disappointed in some people right now. i don’t normally get the obvious, either, but i’m disappointed when other people miss the obvious. does that make me a hypocrite?

i really want to talk to someone right now. anyone. well, not anyone, but anyone i’m close to. am i a hypocrite?

trying to figure you out is like trying to see my reflection clearly in rippling water. why do i even try? it’s like i finally think i get it, and then a gust of wind comes and destroys everything and i’m left with nothing, every single time.

you keep hurting me, so i guess i like pain. but i really don’t like pain. so why do i let you hurt me like this? why can i not stop torturing myself and why are you always on my mind?

i sound like such a stalker now. i’m really not, i promise. i just tend to ramble when i’m tired.

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