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Another story from my fanfiction account.. XD

Kikyan's POV

I was doing my shift in the museum when Ranko appeared in front of me.

"Hey Kikyan, it's almost lunch time isn't it? Wanna have lunch with me?" Ranko exclaimed.

"Alright! Let me just finish up here!" I replied as I placed some documents on the shelf. We have a 45 minute lunch break so I guess it's okay...

"Okay. Oh! Tatsuro is coming too! You two haven't talked in ages have you?" Ranko stopped me.

"I guess not... Being a detective is difficult and can get busy you know." I pointed out and Ranko slowly nodded.

"I guess you're right." Ranko agreed. "Anyway, let's go!"

"Coming!" I replied and we both left the museum.

Several minutes later, Ranko's brother Tatsuro came running towards us.

"You're late." Ranko crossed her arms when Tatsuro was now in front of us panting for air.

"Sorry... I was called in... just when... I was about to leave..." Tatsuro said between breaths.

"Ranko, you shouldn't have dragged him out here if he was so busy... He could get in trouble for that..." I said.

"Huh? Oh! It's fine Kikyan, don't worry about it. Besides, I haven't seen you in a long time. How's everything?" He asked me.

"Oh, fine. How about you? How's work?" I inquired back.

"Busy as usual... Plus, I missed you." He muttered the last sentence.

"You did?" I asked and he jumped at me question.

"Umm..." He looked away quickly.

"So... Kikyan how's your boyfriend?" Ranko changed the subject.

"Boyfriend?" Tatsuro's eyes widened at her words.

"Pretty good actually." I smiled, thinking about the date we had yesterday.

"What do you like about your boyfriend anyway?" Tatsuro asked coldly.

Is he jealous? "Are you... Jealous?" I gasped and watched him turning bright red.

"N-No! Of course not!" He became flustered. "I was just asking..."

"Oh... well... I just love his personality." I explained. "He helps me when I need it, cheers me up when I'm down, and would smile for me. My boyfriend would always stay by my side no matter what. And that makes me happy." I smiled and looked away blushing. "I don't know... I just love everything about him."

"Wow... I'm jealous." Ranko squealed.

"I could do that too..." Tatsuro whispered to himself. "I could do better..."

"Huh?" I stared at him with shock.

"Nothing! Nothing at all!"

"Is he jealous?" I asked Ranko.

"I'm not!" He denied... Too quickly...

"Well... He never stops talking about you..." Ranko whispered. "He practically glows when he's talking!"

"Huh?" I gasped.

"It's true! His eyes sparkle!"

"..." Is he jealous? He DID make a face when I said 'boyfriend.'

"Oh my god! I forgot to turn in these documents!" Ranko stood up suddenly. "Please start eating while I turn these in. I'm so sorry!" She then bowed to me. "And I was the one who asked you to lunch... I'm sorry..."

[DISCONTINUED] Love Letter From Thief X~ LLFTX & PILWhere stories live. Discover now