Chapter One

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November 27th, 2015

I walked into 1211 Hancock St, my bag over my shoulder. The sound of music and voices echoed through the house. I walked into the house's entry room, leaving my bag on the couch. Leaving my shoes at the bottom of the stairs, I walked upstairs to see little Evangeline and Trystan reading in the playroom. I smiled as I walked over to the library, to see Mrs. Lilah.

A laugh came from inside as I knocked on the door. "Honey, you've been working here for seven months. There's no need to knock anymore." Mrs. Lilah laughed.

A smile danced on my lips as I walked in. The sound of Kenny G surrounded me as I crossed the room. "Good morning Evelyn," I greeted, sitting down in the Queen Anne chair next to her.

Evelyn Lilah, a woman in her late 30's, flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder and smiled at me. "Good morning Sapphire. How have things been at home?"

I shrugged. "They've been rough this week. Our rent is due next Friday and I don't think we're gonna have enough. Since you've only been asking me to come in during the week, my paychecks have gone down. My income is what pays most of the bills. Hunter's income pays for groceries, gas, our cable bill, and part of the electric bill."

Mrs. Lilah looked at me, sincerity and sympathy in her eyes. "How much do I pay you hourly?" She asked, putting her bookmark in her book.

"I get paid $10 an hour. My rent is $1,300, my water bill is about $40, my car insurance is $400, and I pay $150 for electric." I replied.

Mrs. Lilah looked at me, a confused expression on her face. "I'm only paying you $10 an hour?! Why didn't you say something, honey? With how well you work with the kids and how much they love you and how much you do around the house for me, I should be paying you at least $20 an hour."

My mouth dropped slightly. "Are you sure that you want to pay me $20 an hour?"

A laugh escaped Mrs. Lilah's lips. "Of course, honey. Your pay raise starts today. Now, why don't you go see the kids? I need to start getting ready for my meeting."

I smiled. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Lilah."

I stood up and walked back to the kid's play room. Little eight year old Evangeline was lounging in her furry beanbag, a book in her hands. Twelve year old Trystan was lying on the floor, flipping through a comic book. I gently tapped on the door. Both children looked up, excitement tattooed on their faces. Evangeline jumped up and sprinted towards me, a smile dancing on her lips.

"You're here!" She exclaimed.

I laughed and hugged her. "Yes I am, like I am almost everyday."

Trystan gave a soft laugh and looked up at me. "Are you ever gonna change your hair?" He asked randomly.

I pulled my light grey hair over my shoulder, looking at the blue and purple streaks in it. "Not at the moment, but I might do something different soon. Like pink or red or something like that." I replied. "Why? Do you not like my hair?"

Trystan looked at me. "The grey makes you look older than 18."

I shrugged. "I'll probably change it before Christmas." I sat down on the floor, my legs crossed. Evangeline climbed into my lap, her back towards me. She spun the bracelets that were on my wrist. Trystan looked at the one bracelet, his eyebrows furrowed together. "What's wrong?" I asked.

Trystan shook his head. "Why don't you ever take the heart bracelet off?" He replied, looking back down at his comic book.

I looked down at my bracelet. "My fiancé gave it to me."


I sighed. "I can't take it off. It's what he gave me in place of an engagement ring since he can't afford an expensive ring at the moment."

"Why can't you take it off?" Evangeline asked quietly.

"It's a locking bracelet. He wears the key while I wear the bracelet."

Trystan shrugged. "Weird."

The rest of the day went by relatively uneventful. Nothing to exciting happened, except for going to the pool. As I walked out of the house that evening, Evelyn handed me a large shopping bag. She smiled at me. "Open it when you get home." She stated as she gave me a hug.

I smiled and hugged her back. "Thank you Mrs. Lilah. Have a good evening!"

"You too!" She closed the door as I walked down the front stairs of the house. I walked back to my little apartment, about five blocks over.

When I got up to the apartment, I left my bags on the kitchen counter and walked into the bedroom. Lying on the bed was a matching bra and panty set, a large cardigan, a purple hair bow, and my favorite stuffed animal. I smiled, changed out of my work clothes, and put on the outfit that was on the bed. Then, I brought my clothes into the bathroom, dropping them in the hamper.

Suddenly, I heard the door to the apartment open and close. "Sapphire, I'm home." Hunter's voice rang through the small Brooklyn apartment. I giggled and flounced out into the kitchen. Hunter smiled when he saw me. "Don't you look cute?" He laughed, opening his arms for a hug. I quickly scurried over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close.

Hunter held me close for a few minutes, before scooping me up in his arms and carrying me to the couch. He sat down, with me in his lap. "So guess what?" I asked excitedly.

A smiled danced on Hunter's lips. "What?" He replied.

"Mrs. Lilah raised my pay to $20 an hour! It starts this week!"

"That's great!"

"So that'll be $3,200 a month! I'll be able to cover rent and bills and still have extra!"

Hunter laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Soon, if you start saving up, you'll be able to start going to school. By the way, when are you working at the Rec center?"

I thought for a second. "I work at the Rec center tomorrow morning, Monday night, Tuesday night, and Thursday night. Why do you ask?"

"I'm taking you out on Sunday. We haven't been able to go out since August and you deserve a break, princess."

I giggled. "Okie Daddy."

Hunter picked up the remote from the coffee table and turned on the TV. He put on Criminal Minds as I curled up against him, my head on his shoulder. I felt him gently start to rub my waist comfortingly. I smiled as he kissed my head.

"My princess." He whispered.

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