The "In Between"

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What does one think of when they see the word life? Does one ponder what their life has been like? What they've done or not done? I guess that's sort of what I think about. Well, that's what I think about now. I never realized how short life could actually be. I would've never imagined that it would end so shortly, I imagine it has ended. I thought I would live past seventeen. Graduate High school, go on to Harvard and become the lawyer that I wanted so desperately to be.

That's not how it works though, unfortunately. Some of the things you want to happen may never happen. Sadly, your life could be cut short by some heinous acts. Sadly, my family suffers from it. They have no idea where I am, what has happened to me. I don't know if they would want to know.

I stood in this great abyss, beautiful as it is I want back. "Am I dead?!" I screamed out into that abyss, hoping to get an answer. I didn't feel entirely dead but I definitely didn't feel alive. "SOMEONE FIND ME!" I screamed and hit the air in front of me that becomes a piece of glass. I step away from the glass as it brightens. I looked closely and it showed me my family. They stood and sat around the table distraught. My father paced, scared to death and my mother ringed her hands. My older sister made fliers and my youngest brother was asleep at the table. Even my dog Muffin was moping.

I slammed the glass trying to get them to hear me "MOM, DAD I AM HERE!! Find me!" I shoved the glass crying and the glass becomes liquid. I touched it and saw that I can go through. I stepped through the glass and I am standing in my living room.

I looked at the calendar and it's been two days since the incident. I didn't know where I was, nor do I know what to tell them. I cried, I wanted them to know. I wanted them to bring me home. I wanted to be out of this nightmare. I didn't know what had happened, why I was in this in between state but I knew that I must find out or I wouldn't be able to help them.

I sat down at the couch. I needed to remember, I needed to open that part of my memories, but how? There was a knock at the door, sadly Muffin didn't get up and bark like she used to. She sighed and laid there. Too saddened by grief to move. My father ran to the door, in hopes of good news, which he won't receive.

Those who were at the door were two cops, I couldn't make out what they are saying, but I could read their lips, they were saying that nothing or no one was found yet.

Then it hit me like a tornado, this whirlwind or gust of wind swept me away to this road. This road was the road I drove home on every night. I saw my car, I walked closer to it. As I walked closer I noticed that I am in the car talking to someone. So I walk closer and saw that what looked like that happened was I was pulled over by a cop but in my gut I felt it was not a cop. He touched my dark brown hair and told me to remove myself from the vehicle. I couldn't say no or I'd be killed, so I got out of my car. Then the wind comes back and It's the same day I had seen my family and the car was still there. This fake police officer had been very careless.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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