Coin Laundry

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Credit to Lisa Mitchell- singer (possibly song writter i don't know) of 'Coin Laundry'


Shaun sighed as the coin clucked into the slot in the machine. He shoved at the small circular door, the stiff hinges whining in protest. Slowely he turned around, walking over to the small bench to the side of the room. Shaun fell back onto the bench, leaning back against the wall, letting his sandy blond hair fall onto his face. It would be at least another hour before the next bus went past, and he didnt feel like walking home. Closing his hazel eyes, Shaun let the rumbling of the washing machine send him to sleep.


Humming quietly to herself, Lali twirled her hand through the discoloured water, her peaceful tune echoing off the metal walls. The pile of soft, old clothes underneath her soaked through and warm. Lali looked up, the glass of the door distorting the figure of a sleeping boy. She sat up, and scampered quickly over to him. His breathing was light, soft, even, his eyelids the iridescent violet of lack of sleep. Lali's hair dripped lightly, landing on the boy's knees, seeping into his jeans. She smiled, her freckled nose crinkling, blue eyes brightening.


'Do you have a dollar?' Lali asked, brushing Shaun's hair from his eyes, 'Do you have a dollar for me?'

Shaun's eyes fluttered open, as he swallowed the stail taste in his mouth. He looked at Lali, his brow creasing with confusion.

'Excuse me?' Shaun mumbled, his voice groggy from sleep.

Lali smiled at Shaun, her hands resting on his thighs, leaning over him, only centimeters between their faces. Shaun looked her up and down, finaly waking up properly. The girl in front of him was slight, wearing only a to-big, button up white shirt that came to her mid thigh. Her hair was wet, as here her hands.

'Um,' Shaun stammered, grabbing her wrists and gently lifting off her hands from his legs, 'Do i know you?'

Lali stood up striaght, smiling at Shaun, her dripping brown hair making the sholders of her shirt go see-through.

'My name is Lali,' she grinned, holing her hand out to Shaun, 'Now you know me.'

Shaun couldn't help but smile, small and shy.

'I'm Shaun,' he replied, taking her hand, 'Now you know me,'

Lali giggled, and sunk down onto the bench next to Shaun, putting her head on his sholder. Shaun stared down at her, his cheeks flushing.

'Where do you live Shaun?' Lali asked, her eyes closed.

Shaun was taken aback  by her question, unsure whether to tell a complete stranger his personal details. He shrugged inwardly, feeling this girl was harmless.

'I live in an apartment,' Shaun answered, looking out the door, 'Just a couple blocks over. On the seventeeth floor.'

Lali looked up at Shaun, her blue eyes shining.

'Do you sleep in a bed at night?' She questions, wrapping her arms around Shaun's sholders.

'Uh,' yeah,' Shaun stammered, slightly confused, then shrugged, letting go of his inhibitions, 'And it's big enough for three people.'

the expression on Lali's face was that of a childs who had just learnt something amazing. the light rumbling of the washing machine ended, leaving the room unnaturaly quiet.

'Can you stay another while?' Lali asked, looking over at the silent maching, 'Maybe just another hour of two?'

Shaun got up, and walked to the machine that held his clothes. Lali's face dropped, her hands in her lap. Lifting up his hand, Shaun pushed a glistening dollar into the machine. As it buzzed to life, Lali looked up, smiling weakly at Shaun.

'So why are you here Lali?' Shaun asked, sitting back down on the bench, 'There arn't any other machines on.'

'Do i need a reason?' She retorted, cocking her head.

Shaun shrugged, a smile tugging at his lips, Just as Shaun was about to ask another questions, Lali burrowed her face into his sholder, breathing deeply.

'What do you want to do with your existance Shaun?' Lali mumbled into Shaun's neck.

Shaun thought, putting his arms around Lali's ribs. The truth was, he hand't really thought about it.

'I guess,' Shaun started, looking at the ground, 'I want to get out of the apartment. Live in a little old house, on a hill, with a lemon tree. with a beautiful girl to share it with.'

Lali smiled, looking over to the washing machine.

'I guess you will be going now,' she whispered.

'But my machine is still,' as Shaun spoke, the machine buzzed to a hault, 'On.'

Shaun got up, and opened the machine door, pulling the wet clothes into his bag.

'Oh Lali!' Shaun called, zipping up his bag, 'You wanted a dollar right?'

Shaun dove into his pocket, and pulled out his last dollar. It looked like he would be walking home today. He spun around, holding out the coin. Lali wasnt there. All that was left was a puddle on the floor, and a couple foot prints across the tiles. Shaun frowned, and headed out the door.


Shaun stepped out of the elivator, and walked down to his room. he flung the his bag onto the table, unzipping it and pulling out the contense. He unbunched the clothes, folding them up as he went. He held his damp jacket out in front of him, running his thumb over the freyed threads that should have held a small button. Shrugging, he folded the jacket and tossed it onto the pile.

'I wonder what happened to that girl in the coin laundry,' Shaun whispered, examining the dollar in his fingers.


Humming a soft tune, Lali spun a small button through her fingers, the off coloured water making it look bigger than it realy was. A machine door closed, the light whistling of an unwary boy drifting through Lali's ears. Slowely, Lali stalked up to the boy, coking her head and placing the button ontop of one of the machines.

'Can i be the girl you met in the coin laundry?' She whispered, reaching for the boys hand.

The boy didn's answer.


by Devon :) yaaaaaay

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