Chapter 19

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"Ahh shiit." I groaned. I kept gripping her hips tryna slow her down. She was bouncing too fast and I wasn't tryna nut quick.

"Am I doing something wrong?" She asked slowing down.

"Nah you good baby. I'm just not tryna nut so quick. Grind ya hips for a minute...damn." I grabbed her ass cheeks as I coached her.

I tilted my head back feeling the tip of my dick throbbing. I knew at any moment I was gonna cum.

"Nasi.." She moaned out giving me a new nickname.

"Damn Lauren." I flipped her over getting on top and started to give her deep strokes.

"I love youuuu" She moaned scratching  at my neck.

"I love you too."

A pillow hit my head waking me up.

"Wake yo ass up stupid boy. And who you telling you love them huh?" My dad asked standing on the side of my bed eating some grapes.

"What do you want dad?" I put my arm over my eyes.

"I'm just trying see "bitch who do ya love"." He started dancing singing the YG song.

"Haha funny nigga." I mumbled under my breath.

"Get yo ass up boy it's almost two o'clock in the afternoon."

"It's Sunday." I gritted through my teeth.

"Exactly you lucky I didn't take you to church this morning. You know you would've been there all day." He popped a grape in his mouth walking out my room.

I mentally rolled my eyes getting up from my bed only to see that I had a stain on my sweats and on my sheets.

Of course it was from my dream, which wasn't the first time I dreamt about Lauren in that way.

"Shit." I grabbed the sheets and cover throwing them in my hamper and gave myself a mental note to take care of those before my mom gets to them.

I went to my drawer grabbing some boxers and some shorts heading into my bathroom to take a shower.

After taking care of my hygiene I walked to the kitchen getting something to eat.

I was looking in the refrigerator to look for some food when I heard footsteps coming in the kitchen.

"Every time I come in the kitchen, you in the kitchen..."

I looked up to see my dad still eating his grapes.

"In the goddamn refrigerator,eating up all the food... All the chicken, all the pig feet, all the collard green, all the hog maws. I wanna eat some of them chit'lins. I love pig feet."

Here he go..

"Now, when I went to bed last night, didn't I tell you to take out the trash?"


"So why didn't you do it?"

"I fell asleep." I responded nonchalantly.

"I wish you was sleeping right now.  I'd knock you upside your head with a left, make your ass wake up and take out the trash!"

My mother came in laughing. I'm guessing she heard everything that was said.

"You better take out that trash "Craig"." She laughed.

"Mama why you always laughing at him he ain't even that funny." I looked at my dad with a mean mug.

"Yes I am now take that trash out."

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