Chapter 27: 2 months later,...........

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Its been two month since the boys left the girls,they all have been keeping touch with their boy friends ....butt since they left their been secrets going on and taty and raasia don't really keep in touch with Kadi and tyana that often but they still talk !so this weekend every one is coming to Kadi house for the day.


Kadi-where is Riaisa and taty?

Tyana-you know they walk slow

Kadi-you right so in the mean while lets practice the dance to count down


(They start to practice the dance and in the middle of it they herd a knock on the door)

Tyana-I think that's them


(Kadi opens the door then tayy and riasia just jrumps on her)

Kadi-lml awes i missed you guys too.....butt....I....cant........breath!

Taty-awes bestie I miss you

Kadi-i know I missed you too



(They gave each other hugs)

Taty-wheres Tyana?

KAdi-Oh up stairs

(They go up stairs and Hug Tyana and now they are just catching up)

Taty-so who's going to Mb concert on April 23......IN NY

Tyana-Omg there coming to Ny


Kadi-im hype 

Taty-know what that means.....


Taty-yup :)

Riasia-well what we waitting  for....lets go now!

Kadi-ok lets go

(They leave the house and go to the mall)


Tyana-we haven't done this in a long time


Riasia -yea I wanna buy some leggings

(Every just stares at her like wtf you don't wear leggings)

Riasia-lml what?

Kadi-don't act like you be wearing leggings

Tyana-I'm hungry

Taty-Tyana you look fat and you eat weird now are you sure your not pregnat(gco)


Riasia-this b*tch cray

Kadi-damn al right we was just asking 

Tyana -sorry guys

Taty-well hope fully your not because since ray and you did it you been acting weird


(They leave the mall and Taty and riasia went home and Kadi is sleeping over Tyana house)


Tyana is throwing up and Kadi is helping her feel good while on the phone with prince


Kadi-babe I miss you

Prince-I miss you too

kadi-im happy that I'm gonna see you soon :)

Prince-wait you know!


Prince -how?

Kadi-taty :)


kadi-babe why dont you sound  happy to talk to me

Prince-just tired (prince is lying right through his teeth)

Kadi-oh ok

Prince-ima speake to you tomorrow and don't call me I'll call you

Kadi-well ok night lovep(prince hangs up the phone)

tyana-what was that all about

kadi-idk but that was rude .....,.............-_____-

tyana-i don't feel so good so I'm going bed night

Kadi-ok night

Kadi just sits their for a while and think.......did prince get over her!???????

Heyy guys sorry so short but I'm writting on my new tablet and I'm trying to get used to it so tea enjoy the chapter ...

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