Lost Girl Fan Fiction by Alice

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Kenzi was leaning back in a chair at the Dal with one of Trick's books in her lap. She had been researching something for the last couple of damn days trying to figure something out, but she hadn't been able figure anything out. She had been ignoring the others as well, especially Dyson; he had gotten even more over protective of her since she had got his love back for him with a chain saw.

A single glance at her table revealed all her research and papers. Some in her own writing and some not. Surprising, to say the least, was Lachlan. He was usually known as the major grade ash-hole or bastard but he'd been allot of help to her since it would seem word had gotten back to him how she had taken on the Norn with a chain saw to put one of his top men back together. And now she had the Ash-muncher wanting her to be aligned to him or at least have all the protection he could give.

A low groan slipped past her lips as she glared heatedly at her papers. Even though they contained lots information, none of it helped her out. She was fucking screwed because sooner or later Trick was going to end up finding out exactly what she was doing and would most likely tell the others. And then she would be told she was nothing but a useless human for getting herself into another mess this time without Bo's help.

"Hey Kenz! What are you doing over here instead of dancing and partying?" Bo came hurrying over with a large grin upon her face towards her best friend.

"Not in the mood, Bo-Bo. More like working on something personal. So, coolax." Kenzi flashed her a grin as she received a hug and wet kiss on the cheek.

"Awe! Come on and drink with me!" Bo pleaded as she tugged on her sister with a pout upon her face.

"Nah, the Kenz is cool babe. But you can go nock 'em dead with your chi sucking fine ass." Kenzi swatted her friend on the ass and watched Bo walked away with a loud laugh.

She sighed softly as she moved on all fours going over more papers the Ash had sent to her. Kenzi knew the others would never really understand why she went to that man instead of coming to one of them. Shaking her head she resisted the urge to slam her head repeatedly against the table.

Moving back, she packed everything away inside of the bag she never let out of her sight because it held everything she had researched so far. She knew she would not be able to get anything more done tonight and decided to watch her friends have a good time.

Her eyes moved over the others with a curious look. She had spotted Hale easily enough chatting up some pretty looking fae along with Val who was sitting there looking as if she owned the place as Fae, some males and some females were chatting or trying to chat her up. Moving her gaze she spotted Bo easily enough and it seemed as if she had given up...maybe… on trying to talk Dyson into coming back to her place. Dyson made her head tilt to the side as he was looking tired/annoyed and confused about something.

Kenzi paused in taking a drink from her glass as Dyson moved his head and connected his eyes with her own. Feeling mischievous she arched eyebrow and shot him a grin before downing her drink. Just because she was avoiding them all some did not mean she wasn't being civil to them all at the Dal. The Dal was all of their homes and she saw no reason in being a pretend bitch here.

Fixing her chair so it was leaned fully against the wall, Kenzi closed her eyes and relaxed cause damnit she was tired from so many weeks of researching everything she could get her hands on. She needed to figure this out; why was she feeling things and acting in ways that were totally out of character for her.

"You okay, Kenz?" Dyson spoke up causing her head to tilt to the side before she half-lidded her eyes to looked at him.

"Peachy keen, why Kujo?" She asked stretching some before tossing him a smirk as he huffed at her nickname for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2013 ⏰

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