Chapter 2 | The Title Says It All.

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I stop at the front door, placing Millie down.

I wipe my feet several times, "Millie, wipe your feet." I stare down at her as she stares up at me.

I sigh as I open the back door, I smile as I watch her bolt inside.

I walk to my room, my feet slapping against the cold tiled floor.

I walk into my room as my feet touch the soft black coloured carpet, I groan in pleasure.

Placing the book on my computer desk, I walk across the hall, heading into the bathroom.

Grabbing a towel, I place my hand on the cold shower tap and turn on the hot tap.

"Millie," I squeal and laugh, "Come here, beautiful."

I hear her little paws pat against the tiles as I see her poke her head around the corner.

"Come here," I smile and kneel down.

She walks up to me and sits down.

I grab each and every one of her paws drying them and making them warm from the snow.

I finally finish and pat her head gently, "Go lay down beautiful." I say as I watch her leave, walk into my room and lay down on my pillow.

I close and lock the bathroom door, taking off all of my clothes, I hook the towel on the shower railing and dump my dirty clothes on the floor as I step into the hot shower.

I adjust the water temperature, bend down and grab the 2 in 1 Heads And Shoulders shampoo and conditioner.

Finishing up in the shower, I turn both taps off and wrap the towel around myself.

I slide the shower curtain open and step onto the cold tiles. "Shit." I drawl.

I quickly unlock the bathroom door and run across the hall to my room before closing and locking my door.

I quickly take off the towel and wrap it around my long coloured hair.

Well it used to be long before one night I was drunk off my nut, I hacked away at the thing.

I guess I didn't really care though, hair is hair.

Drying my hair quickly I throw the towel on my bed before grabbing out a pair of green and black panties and a matching bra.

I chuck them on as I pull out a draw with shirts in it.

Searching for a shirt I grab a baggy t-shirt which just reaches my elbows, I continue searching for a pair of bottoms to chuck on.

After about 5 minutes of searching I finally came across a pair of light blue PJ pants, with patterns of all of Lucy's zodiac keys, from the anime Fairy Tail.

I grab the mysterious book as I walk over the the side of the bed, propping one of my knees on the bed before throwing my whole weight on it.

I sit criss cross as I slouch over the book in front of me.

I run my finger tips along the beautiful sliver edges that I haven't noticed till now.

I run my eyes over the words on the front of the book, "That's strange, I swear it was just plain." I glance over to the desk to see if I've grabbed the correct book.

Guessing that I have, since there was only books I have already read, I continue looking at the beautiful book in front of me.

The title says it all...

The Book Of Magic.

By Jason Key.

"Wow," I breath, "Well isn't this just a coincidence, Millie. I fucking love magic." I smile as I pat her gently.

"I remember when I used to do magic with my nephews all the time. Damn I miss them." I murmur to Millie as I sigh.

My nephews, older sister and her husband ended up buying a house in Boston.

Which was about 2 months ago, haven't heard from them that often.

Except when they messaged my dad asking how the family's going and shit.

Never even bothered to message me but I keep telling myself not to let it get to me.

I mean they have their own life, busy jobs and school.

So I guess I shouldn't be complaining.

I rub my hands on my pants to get any dirt off as I do not want to dirty the book.

I slowly peel open the book and examine the words on the spare page at the start of the book.

'In loving memory of Felix Key, amazing and cherished son, nephew and cousin. 4/11/99 - 20/12/14'

"Well that sucks..." I murmur, "Well let's get started, shall we?" I look over to Millie to see her sleeping peacefully to my right.

"Hm." I smile to myself and begin reading.

I turn the page to only find pages of a different language.

"You've gotta be fucking with me right now!" I growl, "I was so looking forward to reading this!" I fall back angrily only to hear a huge thud and a groan escape my mouth.

I sit up and rub my head furiously, "Damnit, Millie. That means I have to translate the stupid language!" I say frustrated as I swing my legs off the bed, watching them sway for a couple of seconds before placing my feet on the soft carpet.

"Dinner!" I hear my dad Angus yell.

"Coming!" I scream as I glance down at my watch and my many other bracelets that fill my arms.


"Well look at that, Angus is cooking earlier than usual." I mumble to Millie.

If your wondering why I call my dad by his first name, long story short.

My dad cheated on my mom, a month later we found out she had cancer, so we lost everything.

I just like putting him through the torture of what his done, ever since that day in the hospital and him explaining everything to his wife on her death bed.

It shattered my heart, who knew people could be so heartless?

I currently didn't.

Anyway, I decided to call him by his name from now on, to remind him that his no longer a dad but a walking and breathing piece of crap.

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