Chapter 2

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"Shit Shit Shit!" I said as I walked around my wings knocking everything down around me. "Why do I have these stupid things why?!" This went on and on until "fuck what about mom?! Shit what's she gonna say or do???!" I looked back and calmed down. I looked in a mirror I gotta say, I looked pretty bad ass with wings "Okay John... You can do this just, fold the wings and put on a jacket." I failed for hours screaming and cussing at myself for hours it felt like. But I finally got it, and just in time. Mom just got home. "Hey mom" "Johnathan Wayne!" Shit... "Why are you still awake Hm? It's 3 o'clock in the morning!" Then when did I wake up? "Just playing games mama lost track of time." She sighed at me "it's okay just a long night at the lab... I mean hospital, I'm to tired to think straight. Night honey" "night mom" I walked outside to my truck, climbed on it and to the roof. I looked around then seeing all clear, I took off my jacket. I looked at my wings and starting flapping them "Oh Shi-" I flew off my roof... Backwards. "OW fuck that hurt" I tried over and over again. Damn birds deserve more respect for flying. "Okay okay, it's starting to get bright out. This one or not at all" I ran off my roof and... I was flying it felt amazing, only problem was landing... Haha yea... I hit the ground did 3 backflips and landed in a scorpion. Guess I'll train more tonight.

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