A Typical Day

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......................................................................... .....................Before.....................................................(Sora's Pov)

 I'm in the ocean. Floating along, without a care in the world.

 "Wow, the sky's so blue," I say aloud to no one. Who am I? Where am I going? Where did I come from? What's my name? I don't know any of this, but it doesn't matter.

 The sky's so pretty today. I float aimlessly for hours.

 Eventually, everything fades to black. I wake up with a start. I'm cold and tired. The sky's changed to dark blue sprinkled with stars now. I shift my head to see a star bending over me

. Oh wait- it's a boy! He's about a year or two older than me. His white hair looks like one of the stars. His clear seafoam green eyes seem to glow in the dark.

 "Arrrre youuuu a starrrr? My words slur. He laughs a devilish laugh.

 "The sea's made you delirious, huh?"

 "Prettttyyyyy starrrrrrr," I say and reach for him. He laughs again.

He asks me questions about who I am and where I'm from, but I don't know anything. And what's funnier is I don't even care.


 I found a star!

 "Sora, get up, lazy bones," a girl's annoying voice interrupts my dream.

 "Noooo," I groan and turn away from the annoying voice.

 "Riku, he won't get up!" She shouts.

 A pair of strong arms wrap around me and pick me up like a princess. I squint to see the white-haired man named Riku carrying me.

 "Morning, sunshine," He smirks. A thousand different parts of me want to rip my clothes off at that one little smirk but I refrain. It's so unfair ho he makes me lose complete control.

 "Why can't I sleep?"

 "Because it's already noon."

 "But I like sleep," I whine. Riku ignores my protests as he walks onto one of the small cliffs we have. He drops me in the ocean. The cool water stings.

 "I hate you, Riku!" I hear his loud, obnoxious, adorable-NO...obnoxious laugh as he jumps in after me. He pulls off his shirt revealing his muscular, ripped pale body.

 "W-what are you doing?" I spurt.

 He gives me a weird look. "I don't want my clothes getting too wet. Why? Enjoying the view, spiky boy?"

 A deep blush covers my face. I hide my cheeks in the water. He looks amused as I watched him. He reaches for his pants and I pull my head out of the water to gasp.

 "Gotcha!" He says and swims away. I really do hate him. Yep, he's stupid and mean and a butt and...insanely hot and funny and clever...BAD, SORA!

 I swim after him. Once we get to the shore, I peel my clothes off until I'm left standing in my bathing suit. I run to join Riku and Kairi who have somehow had enough time to begin eating. Riku's food hangs all over his mouth. He eats like a beast. I, on the other hand, eat with a knife and fork like a civilized human being. Kairi giggles. Riku and I both look up from our food at the redhead.

 "What?" We both say at the same time.

 "You two are so different!" She says loudly in her annoying, dream-interrupting voice. "Sora eats like a young master and Riku eats like he's just been let out of cage. Then Riku's really strong and well....."

 "We get it," I grumble. Riku chuckles happily. I'm aware that my tan and fragile body isn't very impressive but my prettiness makes up for it so ha!

"It's okay, Sora," Riku reassures me. "Girls like girly, sensitive guys." Somehow, I don't feel any better.

I hiss and reach out a hand to smack his cheek.

"See? You didn't even punch me like real guys do," He points out.

Die, Riku. DIE.

"Relax, spiky boy. Believe it or not, girls like you," He pets my head, as if I'm his dog...but I don't pull away. His hand feels really nice...really...really...nice.


"Of course," he says, and looks at Kairi. "Right Kairi?"

Her cheeks turn bright red and I pity her in that instant.

 It hurts to want someone you can't have, doesn't it?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2011 ⏰

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