Chapter 4

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Thanks to Harry’s various antics, they were frequent visitors to Leighton Hospital. Harry even had a favourite nurse, a tiny Filipino woman called Nancy who would smile when he saw Des carrying him in and ask who won this time, Harry or the tree.

The main reason he liked Nancy wasn’t that she let him pick which bed he wanted in the children’s ward, which, with it’s green floor and brightly-coloured walls, was much more cheerful than the main A&E, but because Nancy would bring him a jam sandwich while he waited for the doctor. (Harry’s favourite people were decided exclusively by how often they brought him food, which is why he loved his mother the most.) Zayn always went with them to the hospital, not out of any real concern, but because he knew that Nancy would bring him a jam sandwich as well, something Harry would object to saying that Zayn hadn’t injured himself so hadn’t earned a jam sandwich. It was an argument Tricia usually tried to avoid, so when she ran out after Yaser that morning, her heart in her mouth as she prayed to every God that she could think of that Harry was okay, and found them bickering, she relaxed.

‘I’ve definitely earned a jam sandwich this time,’ Zayn said with a solemn nod as Yaser lifted him off Harry, inspected him for breakages then scooped Harry up.

Harry winced as he did, then scowled at Zayn. ‘Why?’

I fell out of a tree,’ Zayn scowled back while Tricia took his hand and led him across the lawn, his Buzz Lightyear slippers caked in snow.

‘Yeah, on me!’

That was true, but Zayn still got his jam sandwich.

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