Riku and Sora: My Star Prologue

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This story is mine, PEOPLE! Well, except for the characters....yeah, that kind of changes things...oh well, the storyline is mine and the characters beling solely to Kingdom Hearts.

Hope you like it! If not, please tell me what I can do to make it better.


Riku never cried. But after putting the letter he had just written on Sora's desk and packing his bags, the tears streamed silently down his face. He couldn't remember anything as hard as this.

Dear Sora,

Why do feelings exist? They hold us back. They break us. They make us scared and weak. If I gave it to my feelings...would I be weak? Am I weak for feeling the way I do? Why do humans have to feel? I want to be a rock. Forever unchanging, never getting scared, never feeling...this.

I don't know why I'm writing this right now. Ill probably just throw it away in the end. Probably just pretend none of this ever happened. Sora, did you even notice anything happened? Was it just me? You probably just didn't want to embarrass me, huh? Because you're too nice a person to turn me down. I know all this will ever be is an unrequited love. I know this, and yet this feeling in my heart won't go away.

It's all your fault, spiky boy. You've given me a disease. A disease that can't be cured. It makes me ill all the time now. I feel like there's a hole in my heart. If you pressed your ear to my chest, I think you would hear the ocean. It doesn't always hurt. Sometimes, I'll see that smile coming from the bottom of your kind heart, and can't help but beam right back. Because for whatever reason, you're happy and honestly, that's all that matters to me.

....If I care so much about your happiness, then why do I get so upset when I see you with her? Stop it. Stop making my heart hurt. Stop talking to her. Stop looking at her. Don't even be in the same room with her. I wish you knew you were mine. Even if you don't consider me a friend, Sora, you're mine. Want to know why? You're responsible for my pain, for my emotions. No one's ever caused me to be this confused before. I'm always in control. But now I'm not... all because of you. So you're mine. I hate her. She kissed you, didn't she? I saw you two blushing and pulling away from each other on the beach. Ha, you thought I didn't notice, right? But I did, and if the circumstances were different, I'd punish you. I'd make you beg for me, Sora. Over and over... If only she wasn't a girl, then I could kill her. Or maybe everything would be easier if I were a girl. Of course, my personality wouldn't change.

You'd still be mine. I shouldn't be saying all this. I'm the one who ruined our friendship. I ruined us. I have to go. Please don't look for me this time. Please...if you do, I won't be able to stop myself. I'm sorry I hurt you the way I did. I'm sorry I did what I did.

Hate me. It would make everything so much easier if you wish I was dead. I couldn't stand it if you looked at me like that again...Those tears gathered in your big dark blue eyes. Didn't I tell you tears didn't suit you? It was even worse, knowing I caused those tears. I tainted you. I took that innocent smile away... You're mine, but you deserve so much more than me. So I'm giving you away, okay? You're all Kairi's now. She would never have been so cruel to you.

This is goodbye, spiky boy. I know you wish I would've said all this in person. But I've already don't enough to you. I've already caused you enough pain.

Don't come after me.



Oh and I love you.

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