Chapter Three

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Annamarie's Point of View

Who on earth is that? I thought as I looked outside the window with a bowl of cereal in my hands. I thought back to the children who had been here earlier and took a glance at the man outside. There was no resemblance to any of them to this man, so he couldn't have been a sibling or a parent. So who was he? Although when I think about it, he does look a little familiar. Perhaps I had seen him in the store some where? Or maybe he was one of those people who had similar faces. It really didn't matter, in the end if the person was a child or if they were an adult. They were on my property, so they had to get off. I finished my cereal and went to get my costume.

Harry's Point of View

The house looked exactly the same as when I was growing up. The roof was still falling off and there was no lawn. I stared back at the house remembering all of the mean tricks we had played of this women, although she had participated in our rivalry too. For Halloween, we had planed to tee pee her house, when we were done and went home we found out that our houses were egged. Our parents got so mad that they made us clean it up and they had grounded us for a month. One thing I never understood is how she did it. When we tee peed her house she was inside, after that we ran home so surly she couldn't have ran after us. I shrugged my shoulders, it was one of world's mystery's. I scanned the area to see if the new mayor had any new houses built in this area, though I'm not sure anyone would want to buy a house near the towns hag. that is if shes still alive. I turned quickly to face the door at the sound of movement coming from the house. I slowly moved toward the house until I was standing in front of the lawn. I glanced down at the dirt that formed the "lawn", if I took one step closer it would be going in uncharted territory. Nobody had ever had the guts to even step on one piece of dirt, cause it was hers. I was about to put my foot down when I heard a voice, " You do that boy and I'll hit you so hard that you wont even know what hit you." I glanced up so fast that I lost my balance and landed on my ass. "Och, that's gotta hurt." the voice said. I got up slowly wincing as I straightened my back. "I'm sorry ma'am, I hadn't realized that anyone had lived here anymore. I actually..." I trailed off as I looked at the owner of the voice. It wasn't her. " Who are you? Where is the real owner of this house?"

Annamarie Piont of View

"Who are you? Where is the real owner of this house?" the man said. I took a step back, how had he known I wasn't her? "The question is sonny boy is who are you?" I asked across the lawn. "I'm sorry ma'am, but my ma taught me that I shouldn't go around telling my name to random old ladies who take pleasure in stealing other ladies identity. Now, I'll ask you again, where is the town's original hag?"

 I ran out of lies, my mind went blank. Of all of the days, my brain decides on being guilty today. I glared up at the sky. I turned back to the man opened my mouth and ran back inside the house. I shut the door and locked and groaned. Now hes going to know for sure that there is something wrong! Well there's only one place to go at a time like this, to the graveyard. I tore off my costume, threw it into the closet, grabbed my purse and ran out the back door.

Harry's Point of View

Did she actually just...Wow who knew a lady that old could run that fast. I thought. I stared at the door hoping that the lady would do something. I couldn't go further, she could call the police on me. The only thing I could do is wait."Well I have nothing better to do." I said out loud. " You hear that you old lady. I'm going to wait here until you come outside!" I yelled at the house. That will show her. I will not move from this spot until she opens the door and says who she is. I leaned against the rental van, how long can it take anyway?

Annamarie's Point of View

"I'm going to wait here until you come outside!" said the man in a faint echo. I smirked. What a dumbass.

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