Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Instantly I fell asleep to only to face the wolf.

It looked at me in pain pinned to the ground all over again with thick metal chains, I knew this wolf somehow?

“Evelina help me!” it called inside my mind, panicked I approached to untie it yet again.

All too suddenly I could hear my father’s voice again.

“Evelina step away from the monster it wants to hurt you!” I looked up and saw my Father yelling at me, I wanted to block out what he was saying this animal was no beast it was my friend.

“Evelina, please help me!” pleaded the Wolf in my mind again.

I could hear my father coming closer and next to me the slowly ceasing voice of the wolf pleading for help.

Terrified I tried to lift the heavy chains off but it was like they were bonded by something much stronger then me, and I could feel it in my heart they were making the wolf weak.

I knew if I didn’t do something now the wolf was going to die, but like always in a dream I was awoken to the rising sun once again disturbed by what I had dreamt.

I got dressed and was beginning to walk down the stairs and after avoiding Jude for so long came face to face with him in the hallway of all days.

“You’re going to see him, aren’t you?” He said sounding annoyed.

“It’s none of your damn business what I do with my life!” I answered back. “You’ll end up just like his mother if you don’t watch yourself!” He said in a cunning way, like the little snide comment was meant to be bating me and stupidly I took it. “What’s that suppose to mean?” I asked staring him down. “Why don’t you ask the fleabag trash when you see him? Not to worry your Dad knows about you two and when he gets back from the head office he’ll lecture you about his and our kind,” He said turning to walk away from me like I was meant to feel small.

“What do you mean our kind, are you freaking nuts there is no such thing as two different human races Jude?” I walked down the stairs with this feeling even more confused then I had from my dream only thirty minutes earlier.

Outside the cool air blew around me and I began to walk down the long driveway to where Nate and his old truck were sitting waiting for me, when I climbed into the cab of the truck the heater was on and I felt warm and cosy. Nate pulled the gear into drive and we were off heading out of the town’s limits further into the mountains, the woodland swallowing us whole as Nate drove on.

Finally after an hour of driving Nate stopped the car at the foot of one of the smaller mountains in the area and we began to walk towards the trail that lead up the mountain.

For nearly two hours climbing we hardly said anything and finally at the pinnacle I let out a big deep breath, I’d had enough of Jude’s comment plaguing me I had to ask Nate the question.

“Can I ask you something personal?” I asked sitting beside him on the rock looking down into the valley.

“Sure you can,” replied Nate looking at me with deep intense.

“Jude said something to me this morning about your mom,” I said not really knowing how to say it as I was feeling really confused on the inside. “What did he say about her?” asked Nate letting out a big sigh.

“He just said being with you I’ll end up like her, I had to ask because to me it just didn’t make sense.” I could feel myself twisting on the inside as I said it. “You won’t end up like her, he was just being a jerk!” said Nate trying to avoid it all with a shrug. “But what did he mean?” I asked nervously looking deeply at Nate as our eyes met.

“My mother is mentally ill; she went insane when my Dad left us. She claimed she heard voices and that my father wasn’t who he said he was!” Replied Nate looking at me straight on, I for a second thought I could see into his soul again and there I saw a frightened boy only pretending to be tough on the exterior.

“That doesn’t sound weird at all I mean family breakdowns are today’s normal!” I said trying to shrug it off myself, but that only made me wonder more about the second half of what Jude had said. The part about there being two human races, none of it made sense.

“Look Evelina you’ve got to understand there are just some things about me that need to stay buried, if you’re going to take everything Jude says so literally maybe we shouldn’t be this.” I was taken by surprise by this response after all I’d never saw it coming.

“Look I’m sorry I even asked; I’m sorry Jude even got in my head but I’m the one who is keeping your big secret you maybe becoming a werewolf in two days time!”

The two of us looked at each other and held onto each other’s gaze for what felt like eternity, I could feel it welling up in my heart as it began to beat faster this would be the moment we kissed.

It was like a shared moment of souls as our lips locked and the kiss became so passionate, in the moment I knew we’d fallen into understanding with one another and that from this moment until our last breath we’d be together forever.

Holding hands we made our way back down to the bottom of the mountain and got back into the truck heading back home, my mind was full of butterflies and Nate I honestly didn’t realise I’d fallen asleep until I felt Nate shaking me awake.

My eyes opened to see my driveway in front of me and myself feeling like I’d had the best sleep of all time. “Do you want me to drive you up?”

I struggled to squint through the setting sun to see my Dad’s car was parked in the driveway with several other vehicles. “Um no it’s okay I can walk it!” I replied gathering my things to get going.

“Alright then, so I’ll call you later!”

“Um sure…” my brain had become scattered knowing my Dad was home. Without warning Nate was taking my hand to get my attention and I turned to see him smiling at me, with that he kissed me. I got out of the car and looked back to see Nate pulling away, I could feel it through my whole body when I got inside I was going to be lectured.

The Hunter's Daughter Series: The Blood MoonWhere stories live. Discover now