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Okay I need to let of some steam... Yesterday I went out jogging (omg I'm being healthy! Shocker) and then there was these boys -_- see where this is going. They were on bikes and scooters. One of them came up jogging beside me and trying to mimick what I was doing. I had my earphones in so it was quite easy to ignore him. Soon I stopped to take a drink because I don't want to collapse anytime soon. The boys came over to me and started throwing insults my way. One of them was bloody eight...uhg thinking he was hardcore picking on someone five years older than him. The others were a lot older than me though... Considering where I was there was nobody else there to kinda stop this. I kept on a blank face and just looked at them un amused. This is the face I normally show people. There was insult after insult. Some of them were really harsh and made me feel really uncomfortable. I stood up and started to walk home with my earphones in once again. Since I lived really close I walked up a bit because I don't want them knowing where I live. I got back home and sat in the living room with my dad I tried to look happy but I just broke down. What's so funny about insulting people you don't even know? Some of the things they said sounded like things you would say to someone you loathed. Now I really don't want to leave my house without anyone because they're always at the park where I am. Bloody people these days... Well I've just been looking at this picture to cheer me up.

Sorry about this rant but I really needed to get this out of my system

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Sorry about this rant but I really needed to get this out of my system.

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