Doctor McCoy

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You had been in the medbay waiting room for over two hours, watching as person after person left before you. Of course, you knew physicals were mandatory for all staff aboard the ship, but you also couldn't understand why you couldn't just schedule an appointment. In your eyes, missing work wasn't worth the wait, even if the doctor was as attractive as McCoy. You also knew McCoy would take his sweet time getting to you, probably to get you back for surpassing him in the field exams during your time at the academy. He had never truly gotten over that, and now the joke was on you. He had surpassed you in rank and position. Not that you cared, but it was amusing to watch him strut when he was around you. It certainly made you chuckle.

He dismissed the person that had gone in before you and motioned for you to come into the medbay and sit on an examination bed. You couldn't help but notice the fact that both of you were completely alone. It made sense, as you were quite literally the last one of the day, but still. Something about being alone with Doctor McCoy always made your heart race.

Of course, this showed as he took your vitals and smirked. "You can relax, you know." Your face turned a bright shade of red and you did your best to ignore him. The sooner this was done, the better. "Alright, I'm going to test your reflexes." He placed his hand on your knee and you immediately felt the warmth of his hand. It filled you with a weird sensation and ignoring him was getting harder and harder. You looked from his hand to his face as his eyes focused on your reflex. "Good," he murmured to himself and went to your other knee. His hand was so close to your thigh, and you couldn't help but stare at it. Those legendary hands... You'd seen them at work before, just never on you. Surely if he was good at surgery he'd be good at many other things. You imagined him suddenly sliding his hand up and down, gently caressing your leg and him placing himself in between your legs, ready to lean down and give you a kiss. You practically smelled his breath, bourbon and mint, as his warmth took over and he leaned down over you...

"Are you alright?" He placed his free hand on your shoulder and gave you a worried look. "Y-yeah." You somehow managed to speak, but you knew he could tell there was more. He always could tell... Suddenly you were fully aware of his proximity to you and where his gaze fell on your face. You felt his hand on your shoulder and the other on your leg, his body lightly pressed against the metal table. You felt light headed, but unsure as to why. In that moment, you leaned up and kissed him. His initial surprise was understandable, but what he did next came as a complete shock. He kissed you back and pulled your body against his. His hands tugged lightly at your uniform as yours did to his. You felt the temperature rise in the room as he pushed you back and trailed kisses from your neck to your lips, making each one slow and precise. "You know," He pulled his head away from you so he could see your face fully. "I've always wanted to do that." A boyish grin appeared on his face as he leaned down again to kiss you. This time, he tugged at your uniform a bit more forcefully and you understood what he meant. You nodded and reached for his shirt and pulled it over his head. To think you were annoyed with him a little over five minutes ago!

He reached around and pulled at your uniform once more and you let him lift it and got ready to lift your arms above your head... The intercom buzzed and both of you stopped in your tracks. "McCoy to bridge." He disappointedly took a step back from you and glanced over to the panel from which the voice came. "Bones, come in." The Captain's voice rang out a second time. McCoy shot you an apologetic look as he walked over to it and pressed a button "McCoy here, what do you need Jim?"

"I need you on the bridge as soon as possible."

"I'll be right up."

He walked over to you and kissed you one more time. "To be continued?" He wrapped his arms around you and brought you in close. "To be continued." You confirmed, pressing your ear to his chest and listening to his heart beat before he had to leave. Maybe this five year mission wasn't going to be as bad as you thought.

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