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I always get scared at night
What if I die of fright?
Fear plays a big part in my life
So it's ironic I'm scared of death

I lie in the dark thinking
What if my brain starts sinking
I fall into the depths of blinking
And I slip away into death

Fear and death
Come hand in hand
The pit of my soul
Feels the fear and
I can't imagine
What world will be
Beyond what I know,
What I feel, what I see

Having fear of unknown
Is very common to own
Except my fear has grown
So scared to death of dying

I think about it a lot
It consumes many thoughts
But I was always taught
Not to think about dying

We don't know how it ends
Will it hurt, it depends
Will it be seen by my friends
Maybe I'm already dying

The fright of
Of die or live
Consumes me
I shake for fear
That when I die
I'll not have finished
What I tried

I am scared to
Stop before I want to
Because I'll slip away
Unfinished, untrue
My entity
Will be incomplete
Who I am
Full of deceit

Don't let me die
Don't let me die alone
Don't let me die
Don't let me die at home
Don't let me die
Don't let me die so soon
Don't let me die
Don't let me die
Don't let me

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