Chapter one

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As Tina walks over to the rovers, she can't help but deny what is clear. Peter isn't standing her up. He isn't just hoping she'll leave. He wouldn't do that to her. He loves her.

But, he doesn't. And deep down she knows that, she's always known that. She's been the distraction, his get away.

Once the feelings of denial wear off, there's only one emotion left.


Swinging open the door of the rovers, she sees everyone smiling and looking simultaneously to one side of the rovers.

She uses the bags in her hands to try and move people out of the way, wondering what it could be happening.

Then she realises.

"To Peter and Carla's baby," everyone chants.


She's having a baby.

Everything Tina ever wanted, Peter and their baby.

Everything she wanted, everything she thought she had is gone. Just like that.

She makes eye contact with Peter across the room and can instantly tell what he's trying to mouth to her. What he wants her to do. What he's feeling.

He isn't feeling regret or sadness for hurting her. She can tell.

He's not looking at her the way she thought he used to. Not like he cares, not like he wants to make sure she's okay.

He wants her to keep quiet, to not tell Carla.

It's what it's all been about.

She feels the anger risen within her at the selfishness of the man she loves.

All she feels is anger. Anger which she can't control.

Anger which she needs to let out.

"Carla?" She says as everyone turns silent, leaving Carla staring directly at Tina.

"Tina, are you alright?" Carla asks, clearly taken aback by Tina's obvious state.

"I just wanted to say..." She tries to tell her. She does. She wants to. She wants to blow his life apart like he's done to hers.

But, she can't.

"Congratulations," she manages to bring herself to say with a slight smile, earning a smile and thanks in return and a relieved look from Peter.

As she's leaving, she turns back one last time to see Carla being passionately kissed by Peter, Peter's arms wrapped round her waist and she feels the rage return along with a pang of jealousy before returning to her flat.


Carla and Peter are stood at the side of the Rovers, her arms resting around his neck and his resting on her waist.

"Maybe I should go check on Tina, she looked a bit upset." Peter says casually.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's fine. Probably just needed some time alone." Carla says back.

"Yeah but still, I'm not sure she really has anyone." He tells her, hoping he can go and make sure she isn't going to tell Carla and that everything can be okay.

"Well tough, I'm not letting you go." She holds onto him playfully before pulling him closer and placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

He knows it would be too suspicious leaving now so he makes the decision to stay, stay and pray that Tina leaves quietly.

Unbeknown to Peter, Rob had made an excuse to Tracy before slipping quietly out of the Rovers and heading towards Tina's flat, willing to do anything to stop his sister from finding out the truth.

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