The Visitor

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"Tim, go to bed!" Shouted Sasha.

We start off here at about 11 in the evening, October 27th 1969. Tim as told to go to bed, but unknown to his mother, Tim liked to sneak out for walks late at night. Fast forward a few hours to where we see Tim sneaking out at 3 in the morning, for a walk around Chicago. His mother and himself joked on how even the drug dealers were nice in this city; oh how they would laugh. Little did Tim know, though, that his life was about to change. For the worst.

3:42am, October 28th, 1969. Tim is the kind of person who likes to think, and imagine. Quite philosophical. Daydreaming of a world in his perspective; a perfect one. However, whilst he left he failed to notice a shadow that seemed to be following him; he also failed to notice that there were no civilians around. Even if he was wandering around in God's hours, Chicago is a big city, there is usually someone around.

3:57am, October 28th, 1969. Clunk! Tim turns quickly to notice the stalking figure that was...dancing? Tim was briefly taken aghast for a moment before coming to his senses.

"Hello?" He called out.

No answer. This was quite unusual behaviour, obviously. Especially in Chicago. He knows that there are some strange people here, but this... this is bizarre. He took a step towards the dancing man and almost instantaneously all of his instincts told him to run. Run as far away from this creature as he could. alas, curiosity killed the cat as he took yet another step forward. The man was facing away from him, but as he turned, Tim's face and expression turned as hard as concrete he was standing on. This man's face was a smile. Just, a smile.

4:12am, October 28th, 1969. Tim turned and ran. Turns out taking a walk every night is good, he was fairly fit. Tim had no time to think about such though, that image of the smile flashed through his mind, it was a tornado, tearing his mind apart. No expression, no face. Just a smile. This wasn't your average smile; your "Hey, how are you, friend?" smile. This smile is one that says "I will violate and crush all your hopes and dreams." This man wasn't only demonic, but he was completely insane.

Still running, block after block away from that....thing that was chasing him. After about 30 seconds he noticed that every time he turned to see where he was, he got an astonishingly awful pain in his head, like a man sitting with a sledgehammer, periodically bringing it down onto his brain. However, this wasn't headache pain, this was a pain in his mind. His conscience, with Sledgehammer Man striking it with venom on every sight.

4:15am, October 28th, 1969. Tim had kept on the run for about 3 minutes, now. But something strange happened. This man seemed to......teleport? Flashing in front of Tim, and, like Medusa the Smiling Man froze Tim. Well, not literally. But his smile paralyzed him. Then, there was a sharp, clear snap. The sound of a mind snapping. Tim collapsed, and the Smiling Man smiled and danced his odd little jig, and left Tim's vicinity. Tim got up, turned and started to dance too.

3:22pm, April 16th, 1994. The tanoy called Dr. Robberts to Room 7. First off, let me introduce you to Mr. Robberts (pronounced Rob-bair) Dr. Robberts is a Belgian, with a degree in medicine. He moved over to the United States with his family to try and achieve the American Dream, and succeeded...relatively. He worked in Samaritan's Pride Insanity Hospital of Wisconsin. He was assigned to patient 07061, formally known as Timothy Oxlade, or just Tim. One of the nurses or carers called Dr. Robberts up because of an unexpected stir. The first time in 20 years.

"25 years ago, the lad was driven insane. 5 years of bizarre, maniacal dancing, and that torturous smile. Now he's been in a come for twenty years. Twenty years! what makes me think he will have moved?" Dr. Robberts complained to the nurse who walked by his side to Tim's room. Opening the door, Robberts' comments were cut off.

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