the abandoned house

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Tyler's POV

I followed Adrastea into her house. It was dark and i could smell something shadowy and damp engraved into the walls. On the floor as we walked in was a pentacle. It was a very grand old house with 2 floors and quite a few rooms she showed me into a large room which i assumed to be the living room with a large dark red sofa and an oak dining table there was one very big window covered with a blood red velvet cutains with cold tassles. The floor appeared to be made of a pale bamboo and this remained the same all through the house.We then entered a massive oak kitchen. It had lots of xubords around the edge and an oak island in the middle.upstairs there was a massive libary with a ladder in the corner. The towers of books seemed to go on for miles. In the middle was a small oak table with a red satin chair. On the table were 5 books stacked up on witchcraft and next to that another 5 books on the english language.But; these three rooms and a very small toilet were the only ones in use she had no bedroom!

Me:Adrastea do you mind me asking why you have no bedroom?

Adrastea: I am a witch i can not sleep

Me: please can you tell me what that book you were reading was

Adrastea: Fine i admit Latin is my first language not english. Even though i was born here and my 'parents' spoke english to me. So since i was 1 i have been learning english but i always manage to slip back into latin

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