Chapter 39

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Chapter 39
*5 Days later*

~ Nina ~
The boys and I had gotten to the arena for tonight's concert and Lou was getting me ready for the show.
"How about this outfit?" She asked.
She has probably held up like 7 outfits but I can't find one that looks like something I would wear.
"I'm not really feeling it." I said.
"How the hell do you pick your clothes out?" She chuckled looking for a new outfit.
"It's a struggle." I laughed.
"Ok how's this one. If you say you don't like it, I will send you out on stage naked." She laughed.
"I love it!" I quickly said before I even saw it.
When I did see it, however, I was shocked.
It may be just casual black skinny jeans with a violet, off-the-shoulder, crop top with the words 'Dream On' written in white, but I see it as a 'me' outfit.
Everyone has their own particular style but mine is casual with a little twist.
"Damn, that's amazing." I awed.
"Good. What do you want to wear for shoes?" She asked.
"How about my Ugg boots?" I suggested.
"Your tan ones?" She asked and I nodded in verification.
"Perfect choice." She said.
I grabbed the outfit from her hands and quickly changed into it.
It felt so cool to have my own dressing room.
After I had my outfit on, I slipped on my tall, tan Ugg boots.
They were always comfortable and I could wear them anywhere.
Lou had went over to my hair and makeup area so I followed and sat in the chair.
"How do you want me to do your hair?" She asked.
"I don't even know, surprise me." I said.
She nodded and went to work on my hair.
For the time being, I pulled out my phone and started to text Emily and Jenna in the group conversation that I had started awhile ago.

Me: I miss you guys so much!

Within seconds I had gotten a reply from Emily.
This is what amazes me, the fact that they are always there to talk.

Emily: I miss you too! How are things going?

Me: Things are ok. OMG I forgot to tell you but as soon as we got here, I was brought to Simon's office and he wanted to know if I would like to open for the guys at their concerts!

Jenna: Hey OMG are you serious?! Did you say yes?!

Me: I did but I was hesitant about it. The first concert is in like 20 minutes.

I didn't want to tell them about what happened on Halloween because I really didn't want anyone to know.

Emily: You're going to be amazing! Everyone is going to love you!

Me: Hmm, that's what Niall said... Anywhore, I hope so. I feel like the world is going to crumble on top of me. 😳

Jenna: Don't worry about it! You are going to be awesome and I'll see you in the magazines soon!

Me: Maybe.

"Alright I'm done with your hair." Lou said.
I didn't realize that I was talking to Emily and Jenna for awhile so Lou was done.

Me: I've got to go guys. I will Skype you after the show!

Jenna: Good luck!

Emily: Kill em!

Classic Emily.
I clicked my phone off and looked in the mirror to see that Lou had put curls in my hair, leaving my bangs straight and down, then she also added a violet bandana that practically matched my top.
"My god I love it!" I exclaimed.
"I'm glad! Now time for makeup!" Lou laughed.
She moved in front of me after grabbing the foundation.
After that, she put my eyeliner on and I hated that I couldn't see what she was doing but I trusted her.
Before I knew it, she had put on eyeshadow and mascara and was now onto my blush.
"Damn you work fast Lou!" I laughed.
"I try. The boys are impatient so I learned to be quick with them." She said.
I bit my lip to stop me from laughing otherwise I would mess up her work.
"Now only your lips and I'm done." She said.
She picked up a tube of pink baby lips an took the top off.
As soon as I felt the stick leave my lips, Lou moved out from in front of me and I could see myself in the mirror.
She had curved the ends of the eyeliner, making my eyes pop out more and a violet eyeshadow was lightly applied on my eyelids.
My eyelashes were the perfect length and my blush was the perfect shade of pink, similar to the baby lips applied evenly to my lips.
"Lou this looks great!" I smiled.
"I'm glad you like it, you look beautiful!" She smiled.
"I actually feel beautiful too." I admitted.
"Good because you are." Lou said.
She got behind me and put her hands on my shoulders looking at me through the mirror.
"I loved working on you but I didn't even have to try hard because you have natural beauty." She said.
"Thanks Lou, it means a lot." I said.
I partially believed her but I knew that there wasn't a lot of time until the show so I kept it short and agreed with her.
"Anytime kiddo." She said giving my shoulders a light squeeze and I got up off the chair.
"You're going to be amazing." She said.
"Thanks, I just hope I don't mess up." I laughed nervously.
"You've got this, you're going to be great." She encouraged.
"Thanks. I'll see you in awhile Lou." I said.
"Bye. Good luck!" She said as I walked out the door.
I bumped into something hard and almost fell back into the closed door but strong hands gripped onto my arms and kept me stable.
I looked right into Niall's eyes and he stared right back into mine.
"Nina, you look beautiful." He said.
"Thanks Niall." I blushed.
The rest of the boys came running over to us and they came to a halt when they saw me.
They all just stared at me with their jaws dropped and blank expressions on their faces.
"Hello?" I said, moving my hands in front of their eyes to bring them out of their thoughts.
"You look amazing." Harry said.
"Thanks." I said.
Louis, Zayn, and Liam all nodded, agreeing with Harry.
"Nina to the stage in 2 minutes." One of the stage members called.
And what do you know, the nerves kick in.
I guess up until now I wasn't as nervous as I am now.
"It's ok Nina. You're ok." Louis calmed me down.
"I can't do this." I gasped.
"Yes you can Nina. You've got this. C'mon don't back out now." Harry encouraged.
"But what if I mess up the lyrics or my voice cracks or no one likes me or I freeze on stage or-"
I was cut off from my rambling by Niall's lips being placed on mine.
"You're going to be absolutely fine baby." He mumbled against my lips, looking into my eyes.
"One minute!" The member called once more.
"I-I can't." I whispered.
"Yes you can. I believe in you Nina." Niall said.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close.
"I'm scared." I said with my voice cracking at the end.
"Don't cry babe. You're going to be a pro. Can I tell you something?" He asked and I nodded.
"I was the same way when we had our first concert. I felt that everything would mess up and I would be humiliated but I faced my fears and went out on the stage and sang my heart out. And you know what?" He said.
"What?" I asked.
"Everything went smoothly and I didn't mess up. Everything will be ok Nina, I promise." Niall said.
"Really?" I asked astonished.
"Yes." He nodded.
"Well, I trust you." I said.
"And I have faith in you." Niall said.
I smiled and he gave me a quick squeeze and the guy once again said, "20 seconds!"
I breathed out and all the boys gave me a quick hug.
"You're going to do great." Louis said.
"I hope so." I said.
"10 seconds!"
"Good luck!" They all said as I made my way over to the side of the stage.
The boys followed me because they still had to introduce me and I grabbed a mic.
The boys ran out on stage and I could hear the screams and cries of all the fans in the crowd.
"Hey everybody!!" Harry yelled.
The screams got louder and I had to put my hands over my ears to keep out the noise.
"Now you all may be wondering who the opening performance for our concert is and YAYY you're going to find out!" Liam said.
"It's someone very dear to us..." Zayn started.
"You've never heard her before..." Niall continued.
"We know you'll love her..." Harry said.
"She's super talented..." Liam said.
"Here she is everyone! My sister Nina!" Louis yelled.
Everyone's cheers and screams echoed through the arena as the boys left the stage and I walked out.
I walked out and avoided looking at the crowd of thousands of fans.
Once I got to center stage though, I turned and looked at everyone.
And I felt like I was going to pass out right then and there.
Everyone's eyes were on me and all I could manage to do was stand there and smile.
"Hey everyone!" I said, getting some strength.
Everybody screamed and I laughed taking it as a 'hi'.
"How are you all tonight?!" I asked.
Again, the screams erupted throughout the arena.
"Well as you know, I'm new to this whole singing thing and I want to know if you guys like me, alright?" I said.
I soon heard the familiar beat to the song and started singing at the right time.
"Hey now call it a split 'cause you know that you will, oh you bite your friend like chocolate. You say we'll go where nobody knows, with guns hidden under our petticoats, no we're never gonna quit it, no we're never gonna quit it no. Now run, run away from the boys in the blue, and my car smells like chocolate. Hey now I think about what to do, I think about what to say, I think about how to think, pause it, play it, pause it, play it, pause it. We'll go where nobody knows, with guns hidden under our petticoats. No we're never gonna quit it, no we're never gonna quit it no. Yeah we're dressed in black from head to toe we got guns hidden under our petticoats, no we're never gonna quit it, no we're never gonna quit it no." I sang.
The fans were all screaming and I couldn't help but smile as I sang.
I just can't believe that I'm doing this.
Maybe this isn't as scary as I thought.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now