A Few Years Later...

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Btw: My writing style has changed. Whenever it goes to 'fancy writing' it's their thoughts. Whenever it goes to 'the line underneath' it's the story Fakir writes.

Fakir's POV:
I turn on the stove and smile to myself. 'It's been five years since that day. The day Duck became mine and mine alone.'

I cook a huge plate of pancakes and then set them down on the table. I place down some plates and sliver wear.

"Darling! Breakfast is ready!" I shout from the kitchen.

I walk upstairs and past Duck and I's wedding photos and to our room. I knock on the door and open it to see her still sleeping. I sigh and walk over to the bed.

I crawl over to her and wrap my arms around her waist, cuddling her. I feel her cuddle back and giggle under her breath.

"Your awake." I mock.

"But I'm tried!" She pouts and hides her face in my chest.

"Well too bad. I made you breakfast." I kiss her head.

"What did you make?" She looks up with gleaming eyes.

"I made your favorite. Pancakes." I give her a soft peck on the lips.

"Your so sweet!" She giggles and pulls away.

She gets up and runs downstairs, her long pale pink nightgown trailing behind her. I get up as well and walk downstairs to find her already at the table stuffing her face.

"Leave some for Ikuko." I sigh and place a pancake on a spread plate.

'Me and Duck got married a year after becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. Shortly after we went on an eight month honeymoon, mostly going around the world to explore. Two months afterwards Duck got pregnant with my child. A heathy baby girl was born and we named her Ikuko.' (You know I named the child after the creator of Princess Tutu ^•^)

I turn around to see Ikuko rushing down the stairs with her favorite stuffed toy bear. (Imagine Ikuko looking like the child version of Duck)

"Daddy! Mommy! Goody morning!" She giggles.

She runs to Duck and Duck picks her up and kisses her cheek. I walk over to them and give Ikuko a kiss on the forehead.

"Now eat up before your mother finishes all the pancakes." I snicker and Duck hits me in the arm.

"I won't eat all of it!" She snaps.

"That's what you said last time." I smile.

"Shut up..." She looks away blushing.

I look down to see Ikuko eating her pancake. I smile to myself and pat them both on the head.

'We aren't the only ones with a child. Rue and Mytho had a kid as well but their son was born three months before Ikuko.'

"Who wants to go on a walk!" Duck cheers.

"I do! I do!" Ikuko cheers.

"Alright let's go then." I pick Ikuko up and spin her around.

'She's three, about to be four. Oh how they grow up so fast.' I stick my tongue out playfully and she does the same back.

Duck then takes her out of my hands and smiles. We all then leave the house and go down to the lake that Duck used to live when she was a duck.

We play games and have a picnic for lunch. At the end of the day Duck falls asleep on my chest when gazing at the stars. Ikuko falls asleep next to us with her toy. I wrap my arms around Duck, cuddling her softly and then I fall asleep as well.

'They all lived happily ever after.

The Knight had won the girls heart and they became soul mates. Even if they had a few bumps in the road they stayed together because their love was an internal bond that couldn't be broken.

Not only did they have a happy ending but so did the Prince and the Raven. Even if they argue a lot..."


Sorry if this sucked. I didn't have a lot of ideas to work with but I wanted to write a good ending and not leave you guys hanging.

Tell me what you thought about the story! And make sure to check out my others books and junk.

Bye guys!

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