Chapter 2

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"You alright there, mrs?"

I almost groan in mortification, thank god for my tan skin tone that masterfully conceals the red tint of blushes. Lifting solely my head, my eyes have to make a majestical journey, up, up, up, and up a muscular body that hides behind black jeans and a grey tank top. The final destination of the journey a prominent face.

"Ye-yes, I'm fine! Just uhh...wanted to appreciate my new lawn." I stutter out as I try not to stare.

He grins, "Well, if you're done with er..that. Can I help you up?" He extends one of his inked arms. Looking at his hazel eyes, that dance in amusement, is a mistake; partly because it makes the blood flow to my cheeks rush faster and because, unlike most people, his eye contact is unwavering. Jesus, whats going on? I never blush. Ever.

"Thanks," I murmur as I place my sweaty hand in his. He has me up on my feet so fast that my other hand is forced to grip his solid forearm as in involuntary reaction. My inner self splits her legs wide open for that strength of his.

You're a grown ass woman, with a five year old boy, not a hormonal teenager. Stop thinking like one!

Clearing my throat, I release him and glance over to the spilled boxes. Relieved is not enough of an adequate word to describe how grateful I am that it was not the box filled with 'feminine' products (i.e: pads, or the dragon vibrator Skylar got me ask a joke.)


I snap my attention to a frantic Skyler running out of the house with a troublesome look.

"I'm so sorry, Hayden took my speakers and locked himself in his room and now he's in there setting it up, which means-" She pauses her run on sentence when she notices the divine hunk standing next to me with a confused expression.

"Hi..." Her gaze lazily travels up and down his form. Oh Skylar, already hitting on our neighbor. I wouldn't be surprised if they hooked up, seeing as they both are ridiculously good looking. I don't know why that doesn't settle right with me, but it's probably the Carolina humidity affecting my body.

Enticing dimples pop out when he smiles at her, extending, once again, his arm. "Bennett," he introduces himself to her.

"Skylar. It's nice to meet you, Bennett." She eagerly takes his handshake.

I stand awkwardly next to them, which makes it easier for me to interrupt their little eye-fuck exchange. "I'm sorry, but what did you say about Hayden?"

Instantly Skylar's wide-toothed grin turns into a frown, "Oh god, he-"

The painstakingly familiar beat of Soulja Boys song, Crank That, explodes from the inside of our house, interrupting Sky and capturing Bennett's attention towards the vibrating windows.

Oh no.

"YOOOOOUUUUUU!" The singers voice, mixed with my sons screaming one, charges out of his open window.

I throw Sky a panicky look. He's struck again. Last time we had to remove the door to get the damn speakers out of his reach, since the music was so loud he couldn't hear me yelling and banging on the door.

"Please tell me we packed a power tool," I say begrudgingly.

Sky shakes her head, biting her lip to contain her giggles. I've gone through this too many time to find it humorous anymore. But Bennett doesn't, he pretends to cough to cover up his laughter.

I didn't think I could embarrass myself anymore after that fall a few minutes ago, but this definitely tops that. Now I'm going to have to ask if he owns a power tool so I can confiscate the speakers made by Satan himself, to get from my son.

I guess my face gives away my intentions since he turns his gaze over to me, "I happen to own one, since you're my new neighbor I'll let you borrow it. It'll be harder to steal it since I do live right next to you."

"I- Thank you!" I exclaim, clasping my hands together I bring them to my lips.

He releases a low laugh, "Just one question, though: Who's the culprit?"

"My kid, Hayden, " I tell him with a sigh, starring back into the house. I love him, he brings joy to my life but sometimes...It's a tad bit too much.

His eyebrows perk up, "You have kid?" he asks in surprise.

With a polite smile I nod. I've gotten used to that reaction, it's always shocking to people that I have a son. I'm not ashamed of it, I'll always say it proudly.

Sky interjects, knowing how awkward it can be for me when this happens. "So about that power tool..."

His facial features return back to a bright one, "Right. I'll go get it."

He turns and jogs back to his house. I open my mouth to say something to Skylar but I hold off when 'My Neck My Back' transitions into play. My mouth turns down and my eye's narrow.

Oh fuck no.

"HAYDEN!" I scream so loud my voice cracks. Not waiting for the power tool, I storm my way inside the house.

When will I ever have a normal day?


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