Ch: 2

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Volona's POV

Oh my gosh, I'm so excited! The principal intrusted me with a new student around campus."So what is your name?" I questioned him. "Logan Trifter..." He answered looking away from me. I see how this. He's so shy! That's so cute! I smiled creepyly. "Cool name! My name is Volona Kruts and I'm currently a track athlete." I exclaimed. "Can I see your schedule?" I questioned him again. Logan passed me his schedule. "Hey you have the same English class with me! You're going to love Mrs. luu!" I said out of excitement. "I do?" Logan said with a scared face. "Don't worry, she's really nice!" I replied.

Logan's POV

That wasn't what I meant, I wasn't scared of the teacher. I don't really like Volona, she seems so fake. Like I mean, her personality isn't that peppy. Or is it, if it is then that's to scary. So asked her. "Are you really this bright or is it fake?"I asked covering my face. "Of course I'm always bright! How else will I blind my enemies! Plus I just want to make other people happy and I know that I can be scary at times." She answered smiling at me. I blushed from embarrassment. Stupid me, why did I asked her that question?!? "For now on we are friends ok?" Said Volona. Then I nodded yes then we shock hands. Volona smiles again. "I never had a friend before ." I whispered. Volona then blinked her eyes in a confused expression. "Well then, I guess I'm extra special then!" She answered smiling again. There's just something about that smile that I like. "Well good luck on your first day of school tomorrow!" She said waving goodbye. I waved back at her then I started walking home. When I entered my home I walked into my parents fighting. I sighed, I don't really fit in this family do I?

Volona's POV

I made a new friend and I'm so happy! I'm even his first friend ! The bell rand for lunch and just then I heard two girls and a guy talking about Logan so I listened and watched from afar. "Did you see the new guy? I heard he has bruises and scars on his arms and back." Said Beth. "When he comes tomorrow I'm going to beat him up!" Said Ruth as he punched the air. "Why did Volona even became friends with that loser?" Lily questioned. I'm furious now. "That's enough!" I said walking towards them angrily. "If you want to hurt him you'll have to go through me first!" I yelled out pointing at Ruth. "You want to fight?" He said as he ounces me in the stomach. Honestly, I can't even deal with his crap. I need to have a clean record so my aunt can always be happy. So I walked away trying not to cough out blood. "Just as I thought, goodie two shoes." Said Ruth as Beth and Lily laughed. I went to the bathroom stalls to cough out the blood into the toilet. Man he punches harder then I thought, I just want to be there for Logan.

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