chapter 1

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Anger causes more problems than you started with...

The bell rang. Liz just got her math test back, a D. She was disappointed and when she was disappointed, she gets frustrated and is going to pick a fight with someone.

Liz was a just underneath the average height girl. She had dark brown style hair that went just over her shoulders. She preferred to wear her hair in a high pony tail. She had green eyes. But was kind of shy with a temper. She avoided most of the people on school. Scared to lose her temper, their judgment and above all their influence. You see Liz was afraid to be ordinary, because she believed she never could be if she tried. That she could never fit in and if she would succeed the doubts would start and never go a way. So the doubts would interfere with her happiness and she couldn't aloud that to happen.

A different girl was making out in the corridors with the neighbor of Liz. On which she had a crush on since she was 6. Like I said Liz prefered to ignore the people around her, however there was one girl she couldn't ignore. Liz was angry and she was around.

"Hey shepherdster ! " screamed Liz furious across the hallway.
"Hey Maria" answered the other girl with a patronizing sound.
Her friends laughed." My name is Mel. Is there a problem or something with you ?!" She went on.
" I indeed have a problem, Mel." Liz pronounced the name as ridiculous possible as she could. "With you!"
Mel analysed the girl who was standing across her with her blue eyes and turned to the guy she was just making out with.
"It may be better if you leave. Don't worry I'll see you at lunch tomorrow, I promise." She winked to the boy.
The boy looked at the girl and then at his neighbour. He chose to shake his shoulders and say: " fine. "
" Thank you, cutie" she gave him a short kiss before she turned to her friends.
" It might be better if you leave too, this will be painful for her. And I'm so nice that I don't want to get her through that with to many people. The rest of the school will be good enough!"

Her friends laughed again and left without protesting.
" Now what do you want, Liz? " said Mel. Her eyes stood cold and she looked at Liz a little bit bored a lot annoyed.
" You're a liar! You lie to everyone around you!" Started Liz but Mel interrupted her: " So what !? Not your problem! It is this about that boy."
Liz bit at her lips.
" So it is. Give it up. You don't even like him. All you do is think you like him. However you're not into him and believe me you're better of without him!" Mel went on and she looked like she started to enjoy the whole thing and than especially her comments.
" If you hurt him! I will..." Liz tried to sound dangerous. But all Mel did was laugh.
" Are you threatening me !? Come on. You have no such power in whatever. And by the way your sister is coming this way so I believe our conversation is over. See ya around I had fun!"

Mel turned around but stood face in face with Mike, Liz' sisters boyfriend. Mel looked challenging but when he did not move a inch, she gave up. She let her shoulders hang. She was defeated. There was no way she could get out of that situation. And she knew that from her own experience.

Liz had been way too angry to have noticed her sister coming her way. When Mike suddenly stood in front of Mel, she laughed.

"Seriously again, Liz!" A voice said.
Liz her smile disappeared from her face.
"What did she do this time !?" The voice continued.
" What do you want from me, Rose !" Liz told her sister.
" Liz, are you okay?" Rose said calm.
" Yes, Rose. I'm fine!"
" You were making a scene in the hall I wouldn't call that fine."
" I had an argument. I have that more often. That doesn't mean that you have to come save me every time!"
" Liz..."
"Rose, for god's sake. Why are you here!? I was winning!"

Mel laughed.
" Liz, Mel used to be one of your best friends." Rose continued.
" Stop calling her that!"
" MEL!!! Her name is Bethany!"

" Guys!!!" Mike screamed.
Rose and Liz looked up. All the other people were gone. The lights had jumped off and a window was open. You saw a pair of bright yellow eyes moving towards them through the window.

" Shut the window!" Mel screamed.
Mike tried to close the window, but the thing was too strong for him. They all ran to the end of the corridor. The thing kept following them. Mel screamed when she fell on the ground. They all stopped and turned around. They stood there frozen while the thing came closer to Mel. The thing was a dark figure floating in the sky, like a shadow. Suddenly it stopped and bent away, like it couldn't move any further.

The four looked at each other relieved. The lights stayed off and it looked like it was becoming only darker and darker. Mel stood up and Mike held Rose in his arms. The floor slowly turned black. It was like creatures crawled from the walls to the floor where they all came together and formed layer for layer. The layer started to consume the people in the hall. First there shoes and slowly further. But the four people didn't notice anything until everything was black. They were for a second confused until a bright light shined in their eyes, dazzling them. When there eyes had adjusted they stood no longer in their school, but in a green valley.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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