Chapter 2

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Classes started, Yuto being all glamorous again in front of everyone, Yuri sleeping because he said he already knew the lessons, Ryosuke... simply dumb founded about everything their teacher says, Yuki on the other hand was deep on her thoughts.

'i just remembered natsune's birthday celebration. what can i give her that can make her happy? i'll just ask ryutaro later at lunch time for clues but before that i need to convince my raw horse meat loving brother about me going out with mimiko on saturday.'

"Okay that's the end of it. Everyone, remember this formula. I know it's hard to memorize but it will come out in you test next week.I expect Nakajima Yuto-kun to have a higher score unlike the previous test. Also, Yamada Ryosuke-kun, please do study our lessons or else I might put red marks on your card. That's all. You may all have your lunch." Sensei said then went outside the room

Everyone, except Yuki were slacking their seats. 

"Yuri, my energy is gone after all that weird formulas!" Ryosuke said a bit irritated that he can't get any of their lessons

Yuri stood up in his seat "It's your fault not studying in advance." Yuri answered then whacked Ryosuke's head

Yuto got in his senses again then went to Yuki's seat "Yuki-chan, let's go eat raw horse meat later after class, please?" Yuto said getting his' face close to Yuki

"Oi! Are you here? Are you deaf? Hey!" Yuto got irritated then started pulling Yuki back and fort 

"Yuto, don't do that to your sister." Yuri said pulling Yuto away from Yuki

Yuki suddenly stood up from her seat.

"I'm right here. I'm not deaf and I won't go to that creepy place with you again!"  Yuki answered Yuto's questions then pulled Mimiko out of their room

The two bestfriends left the room then went to their usual spot every Lunch break, in the roof top.

Ryosuke, Yuri and Yuto went to their school's cafeteria.

"Yuki, about Yuri." Mimiko blurted out all of a sudden making Yuki stop walking then looked at her

"What about him?" Yuki answered still looking at Mimiko

"Un, nothing. It's just that I sense something on him. It's as if he's fallen to..."



Suddenly a shout was heard from behind. It was from Yuto along side with Yuri and Ryosuke.

Mimiko got a bit closer to Yuki then whispered something "Do you think they heard what we just talked about earlier?" 

"Nope, not at all." Yuki answered back with her eyes on the three

Yuki screamed when Yuto suddenly hugged her from her waist "Nii-chan, I told you I won't go to that restaurant!" 

"Demo it's fun there, right Mimiko?"

Mimiko being a die-hard fan of Yuto and JUMP just nodded as a sign of agreement

My brother in an IdolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon