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"Yuto! What are you doing inside my room!" Yuki screamed as he saw her brother, Yuto, laying down in her own bed as if it was his' own

"So what if I'm in here? We're siblings! Siblings ai~" Yuto wined upon hearing her sister shouting at him, again

"Here, they go again." Raiya, the youngest among the siblings, accidentally passed by his' sister's room 'will they ever learn their lesson~' he thought to himself 

Yuki went to Yuto's back as if they were wrestling each other "You idiot! You have your own room. Why can't you just lay down in your 'own' bed! You two-faced brother!" she screamed harder to make more attention on everyone in their house 

"Mom!  Yuto-nii is inside my room again!" 'aha! let's see how you'll react on that.'

They're mother who was currently cooking their lunch began to be startled that made the cooking utensil she was holding drop "What now?!" Mrs. Nakajima shouted back a bit irritated 'i cooked this really hard but now it's a messed.' she sighed inwardly upon seeing the food she made fell in the floor "Just wait a minute dear." 

Raiya, who was also in the kitchen saw the thing that just happened on her mom "Okasan, let me do that I bet nee-chan's in her 'doomed face' again~" Raiya said then pulled out their cleaning utensils to clean the mess 

"Arigato Raiya-chan." she said then kissed her son on his' cheeks

Mrs. Nakajima hurriedly went upstairs to check her other children. She saw... Yuto and Yuki fighting inside Yuki's room. 'This kids are very immature!' she thought as she saw her two childs wrestling. "Yuto, Yuki, stop this nonsense this instant!" their mom shouted at them sounding like a strict parent 

"But mom he/she started it!" Yuto and Yuki said in unison annoying each other even more 

Mrs. Nakajima pulled Yuto off the bed "Yuto just leave your little sister alone! Go back to your own room already" she said glaring at him 

"Hai." Yuto answered back then left the room

Yuki on the other hand pulled out her tongue to annoy Yuto more. Yuto saw it. 

"Mom! Look at her!" Yuto mumbled 


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