Hot Kool-Aid

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"Brother!!!!  Please. Drink. My. Hot. Kool-Aid."

          "I'M NOT GONA DRINK IT!!"

These are lines from one of the greatest masterminds of youtube's most epic video.  If you haven't seen Julian Smith's videos, I suggest you do so... now.  Anywho, some people might have a strange obsession with a sugary liquid substance known as kool-aid (such as my friends and I).  I was told by my source that you can dye part of your hair using heated up kool-aid!

(Being the kool-aid fanatic that I am, of course I tried it.)  Thankfully, I only did a small strand in the back and it's not very noticeable.  I was told it would last two weeks tops.  A whole school semester later, I'm still wondering when it will come out.

A couple days after I showed up to school with my hair dyed, my friends thought it would be cool to do the same thing to their hair!  My blond friend grabbed some blue kool-aid, heated it up, and dyed some of her hair with it.  A couple weeks later when it started fading, it turned part of her hair green.

One of my other friends, wanted to dye her bangs purple.  She grabbed a pan, filled it with water, placed the kool-aid in, and started to heat the pan on the stovetop.  When it was around the right temperature, she put her bangs in and waited.  After a while her neck hurt from holding up her head, so she rested her forehead on the pan.  Bad idea.  Resting forehead on pan= burn mark, screaming friend, scary friend's mom, and epic scar.

Moral of this story:  Hot kool-aid can be dangerous.  Someone please tell this to Julian Smith.

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