Chapter 1

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*Your P.O.V*

I walk into Starbucks with my four suitcases, order a drink and sit down at a table and decide to call Vikk for advice. He's my best friend and we call each other for the smallest things, one time he called me to tell me he killed a spider and we talked for hours. But this was bigger than a spider.

The phone rings 3 times before he picks up.

"Hey Y/N/N! whats up?" He says happily. "Who are you talking too? Is it that girl?" I hear someone faintly yell in the back round. "Nah it's just Y/N!"

"Vikk I need advice" I say.

"Ok tell me" He asks

"So I got kicked out because 'YouTube isn't a real job'" I mock my mothers voice.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"Starbucks, why?" I say.

"Nothing... gottagotalktoyalater" He says really fast and hangs up.

I shrug it off and start to go through instagram for about 20 minutes before I get flicked on the forehead and I look up to see Vikk smiling.

"Hey nerd" i say as I get up and hug him.

"I'm not moving in by the way" I say sternly.

"Awww why not?" He pouts.

"I'd be invading and your housemates wouldn't like me" I shrug.

"You have no choice and they will love you" He smiles as he takes 2 of my suitcases to his car. I roll my eyes and take my other 2 suitcases to his car.

**time skip to the house**

I walk into the massive house and I see two people come towards the door to greet me. I'v met Josh but Simon is new.

I say hi and introduce myself before I take 3 suitcases to the guest room and Vikk grabs the last one.

"Make yourself at home and be sure to get your soccer stuff ready for tomorrow" Vikk says I nod as he leaves my room.

**another time skip**

I wake up at six in yhe morning and go to the kitchen to get food. I'm starving.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to find Simon leaning against the counter on his phone waiting for toast. When he realizes I walked in he smiles, God he has such an amazing smile.

"Toast?" He asks still smiling.

"Sure" I smile as he takes a piece of bread and puts it into the toaster.

"are you ready for the crossbar challenge?" He asks.

"I think so... I usually focus on getting the ball in the net though." I laugh.

"You play?" He asks.

"All the time" I say as we lock eyes, staying like that silently for a few moments before Vikk walks in and pokes us.

"Oh God just kiss already!" He yells.

I flick him on the forehead and laugh,

**time skip to the field... Deal w/ it**

We get to the field and see JJ, Harry, Tobi, and Ethan waiting for us.

we all set up our cameras and start.

"SIDEMEN CROSSBAR CHALLENGE WITH Y/N!" JJ yells. Simon went first, hitting the crossbar after 2 tries, then Harry with 1 try, Vikk with 3 tries, Tobi with 2 tries, Jj with 4 tries, Josh with 3, and Ethan with 2. After the crossbar was hit the rest of the boys would pile on one another.

It was now my turn. I take a few steps back and kick the ball, instantly hitting the crossbar. All of the boys ran over to me and picked me up.

"That was the crossbar challenge hope you enjoyed! See ya later" I say doing my outro.

**time skip**

We get back to the house and Simon starts to make lunch, but I quickly take over.

"What are you doing?" Simon asks.

"I'm making lunch. Now go sit down or something." I smile. He ruffles my hair and goes into the living room.

I finish making the F/O/C and put 4 stacked plates on the table knowing that Vikk, Simon, and Josh would eat in their rooms so I call them and sure enough they went to their rooms but Simon just stayed in the living room.

I walk in. "Lunch?" I ask.

"Nah I'm good, me and Rose are gonna have a big dinner tonight." He says, not looking up from his phone.

"Have a good time tonight... Don't get too friskey!" I smiled.

"Can't make any promises!" He says with a wink.

I smile but inside my heart is breaking because if he knows the same Rose I do? He's in trouble.


how do you know rose? Tell me how or whatever byeeeeee.

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