Chapter two Town life Jorens P.O.V

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I'm sitting on the roof top of my house watching people in the town bustle about their daily lives, the cool Chinook blows through my hair and makes me sigh of content; I love it when it's slightly cool outside.
I see a girl on a white horse ride past, she is the most beautiful woman I have seen; I smirk thinking about how many males are going to try to have their way with her.
A pretty thing such as her shouldn't be riding around on her own, this is going to be interesting to see how the girl fares being by herself in town. I honestly thought someone would have taught her not to go riding alone, but common sense isn't so common anymore.
With a shrug of my shoulders I get off my roof and crawl through and land onto my bed, I leave the room and walk into my kitchen to grab some ale. I take a large gulp before grabbing a few coins out of my spending money to go and gamble, I have a lucky feeling that I will win big tonight.
I leave the house and go into vendors street which is full of delicacies; I only eat at once place that makes the best pastries for only a coin! Just the thought of a pastry and some ale, has my mouth watering.

I reach MJ's vendor station to see him working hard while his daughter Lucy cooks the food and passes them out as fast as she can; I watch as his son Duke comes back from a delivery and picks up some stuff that Lucy obviously made.

"Hey MJ, I'll take the usual," I smile, placing a coin down on the counter.

"Coming right up Joren," Lucy calls, handing another order to another person.

" Do you know what the huge fuss is going on about the girl that just rode into town?" I ask MJ who takes another persons coins and puts them in the cash register.

"Oh you must be talking about Princess Kikiyo; rumour has it she always rides to town whenever she's upset," MJ says, taking more change and hollers at Lucy to get the bread.

"What trouble could she possibly have? She never has to work a day in her life, the
girl basically has everyone kissing her feet! What could have possibly upset her?" I grumble in disdain, remembering that I work in a tavern for a living.

"Well I am not sure, but I think the king was having an important meeting today," MJ says, scrunching up his forehead as he counts out change.

"How can she run a nation if she can hardly stomach one meeting? I just hope she knows what she is doing" I grumble with disdain.

I turn and walk away before MJ can respond, it irritates me that Princess Kikiyo can come and go as she pleases; she could have anything in the world and she doesn't even have to work a day in her life to get it.

I walk towards Big Maks tavern and head inside to see tables filled with people eating, drinking, and playing card games for coins; by this time all the games in full swing. I take a seat close to the bar that's filled with some of the best ales and wines known and wait until the card game has finished; I start to eat my pastry and drink my ale listening to the loud roar of conversations all around me.
Once I finish my food I go and sit at a table and hold my cards in my left hand, after a few rounds a few people dropped out and I was one of the two remaining I intend to win this game.

"Give up young un you're way in and over your head," the one guys laughs.

" I don't think that is the case, I think that I will have you beat in one turn," I grin arrogantly looking down at my hand of aces.

"Well it's your turn so let's see what you got," the one man grins.

I smirk and lay down my hand full of aces and the mans grin is wiped off of his face.

"I believe I have just won and I'll take all your coins," I smirk, as the man puts his coins in my hand with contempt.

I leave the tavern and decide to try to have a little fun tonight; just the thought of causing trouble makes me grin, I'm brought out of my thoughts when I knock a girl over onto her horses feet.

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