The Crow On The Gravestone

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Why do crows never dwell near an open grave? Do they know something that we do not? Or you might ask yourself why they watch our progress through life with envious eyes?

I'll tell you why. I'll tell you why the crows watch us with their empty black eyes, cawing at us when we have seemed to do nothing wrong. Their wings, an inky black, spread apart in the air, shrouding us in death's cape, trapping us in the darkness that is our own mind, our own thoughts and feelings, that we have long ago pushed to the back of our minds, hoping that they will be forgotten. But the crows never forget. Those eyes, seeming so empty and loss of emotion are a window, a window that they can use to look upon us and look into our soul's, using our fears against us and turning our memories into a hell of our own, a hell within our own heads that we can't escape from, because it is always there...

The spirits of those graves, the graves that we pass by everyday, that we perhaps bid a farewell to and an everlasting goodbye to a long dead relative, still haunt those who dare disturb their eternal sleep. Some were pleasant souls in life, but not all the dead surrounding us were one of those many that are fading as time ages. "Don't expect pleasant souls in death, if they wern't pleasant souls in life" As the saying goes, and how right of a saying it is. That feeling of being watched, the feeling of malevolent eyes that never turn their gaze away from you, those are the ghost's that shall never rest.

This is why the crows hide. Hide among the trees and behind the building walls, flying above in the air or perched on a gravestone, watching you, waiting for you, waiting for the day that you too shall join them under their watchful eyes as they observe you from above when you are lowered into your grave, only for your spirit to be sealed under the earth, trapped beneath the dirt. But they will continue watching, and waiting. Waiting to see if you shall rise when the sun falls, and when the darkness covers the land.

Will you join them in an eternal search to find what has been lost? Or will you forever be haunted by the gaze of the crows? Only time will tell...

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