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January 1 2125

It was thundering. A mother was walking down the road with her two children. Both children were crying because both were afraid of the rain. She was holding her 4 year old in her hand while her 6 year old was walking right besides her. “Mommy, where are we going?” asked the 6 year old.

“To a safer place Robby.”

“Wheres that?”

“The Past.”


“You’ll see.”

The family of 3 walked fr another half mile until they reached an old looking style house that was probably built in the 1990’s. The woman walked to the front door and gently knocked 3 times. The woman waited for about a minute and a lady in her 50s opened the door. “How can I help you?”

“Hello, my name is Isabella Rosales and I am here to speak with my husband Daniel.”

“Right this way.”

The woman lead Isabella and her 2 sons into the house. They went through a hallway and took the stairs to the 2nd floor. They finally stopped at a door. The woman knocked on a door and a man came out. “Daddy!”.

The two kids ran up and hugged their father. “What  are you guys doing here?” asked Daniel.

“We have to get out of here. Its not safe here anymore.” said Isabella.

“Where do you expect to go?”

“To the past. We need to use the time machine. Its not safe here for Robert and Andres anymore.”

“Where in time do you want to go back to?”

“Around the 2000s, Maybe 2002.”

“Ok come with me.”

Daniel took Isabella, Robby, and Andres up to the attic. Behind the attic there was a door. Daniel opened it and Isabella walked in with the 2  boys. “Aren’t you coming?”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“I have to stay here and help the Allies.”

“But you-

“No buts, I’m sorry but I can’t go, I love you.”

He reached down and kissed Isabella. “Bye boys.”

“Daddy come with us please?” Andres asks.

“I can’t” Daniel once again said, but this time with tears in his eyes.

Daniel hugs his 2 boys and then once again kisses his wife. “Bye.”


Daniel types in 2002 in the time machine. He presses the ENTER button and the machine comes to life. The only light bulb in the room turns off. “I love you guys.”

Before Isabella could reply Daniel shut the door. Inside, the room was dark for about 30 seconds. When the light turned on Isabella opened the door and they were in the same attic. Isabella walked out of the room and checked the attic out. The attic was filled with old books and boxes. “Mommy where are we?” Andres asked.

“I don’t know.” Isabella replied.

Isabella walked down the attic stairs and the 2 boys followed. She immediately heard voices. She knew she made a mistake coming this far in the past. She told the boys to get back to the closet upstairs. They all climbed up the stairs. Isabella ran to the wall where the time machine was at but it was gone.

“Looks like this is our new home.”

Isabella waited until dark to get out of the house. When she heard the voices quiet she took her sons out of the house and she lead them threw the town. Looking for their new home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2013 ⏰

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