Chapter 3

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     When he arrived at the airport, John Wick stepped out of his car and slowly strolled towards the small private jet that was waiting for him inside a massive hangar. Hashimoto was standing in front of the small leer jet with over a dozen armed men. Once he was within speaking distance to the old man, Wick looked up at him with a determined look on his face.

     "Just you, me and the pilots... no one else," John said as he stopped just short of the steps leading up to the jet. "This is not negotiable."

     "What about my men?" Hashimoto protested. "They are for my protection."

     "You don't need them," John replied as he looked back at him.

     "At least let me take my waitresses." Hashimoto pled.

     "One." John said as he was eager to get going. He was only carrying one bag and his sword as he went up the stairs and entered the plane.

     The guards watched in stunned silence as Hashimoto followed. Once the two extra waitresses were shown off, the door was closed and the small private jet began to taxi out towards the runway.

     Wick sat there on one of the plush chairs, holding onto his sword. The tension between the two men was thick as fog as they sat they for almost an hour, each person waiting for the other to start the conversation. Finally John broke his silence and addressed the old man.

     "When this is over," John started, "I'm bringing the child home to live with me."

     The old man sat there for a moment, pondering his response. "No."

     Without warning, John unsheathed the blade and within seconds the tip of it was underneath the Hashimoto's chin. John stood there for what seemed like a half hour but was only a few minutes as he locked eyes with the aged crime boss. He was not the same man who employed him all those years ago, long before he moved to work for the Russians. He was weak, which would explain why his territory was under attack. The old man was nearing the end of his reign.

     "I wasn't asking." Wick informed him as he stood there like a statue, holding a blade that could end Hashimoto with just the flick of his wrist.

     "Do it." Hashimoto said to him.

     "Excuse me?" Wick asked.

     "Go ahead and kill me," Hashimoto insisted, "Fulfill the promise you made to me all those years ago. I would rather die than live without her. At least if I died by your hand, it would be a fate many would consider honorable."

     Seconds later, Wick dropped the blade from the old man's chin.

     "After the chaos we're about to bring upon the city, she might be safer staying away from Japan for a while."John explained, "This is my price for helping you. She is free to return whenever she likes but I want a chance to get to know her before that happens. If I save her from these savages, I'd like to think I would have earned that right."

      "All right," Hashimoto replied, "If you save her, hiding at your home in the states might be the best place for her until the dust settles."

     Wick walked back to his seat and sheathed the black blade back into its place. "There isn't going to be any dust that needs settling. I'm going to find the people who hurt my daughter and end them."

     "What do you want me to do?" Hashimoto asked, eager to support John and recover his granddaughter from the Dragon.

     "Just one thing," Wick said as he sat down and looked back at him. "Stay out of my way."

John Wick: A Father ScornedWhere stories live. Discover now