Chapter 6 ~ The Hearing

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Maxine...Maxine Potter...


Don't deny it. You're like everyone else...

"Go away."

You're not special. Your boyfriend deserved to die. He didn't need you.

"No. Stop."

Say goodbye, Maxine Potter.

"Max!" I shot up and saw Harry standing beside me. "You okay?"

I nodded quickly. "What are you doing up?"

"I can't sleep."



"You, too?"

He nodded. I noticed that he was sweating. "Max?"


" it okay if I stay in here with you?"

I looked at him and saw that he really wanted to stay in here with me. "Of course, Harry." I scooted over to make room for Harry as he got under the covers in my bed. I was so glad this bed was big enough for the two of us.

"Thanks," he said.

"I can't believe we're actually sharing a bed," I told him.

"We've done it before."

"When we were babies."

"So? We shared one when we were thirteen, and that was two years ago."

"That's a century to me."

Harry chuckled. "You're crazy."

"I'm going to bed now."

He chuckled at me again. "Good night, Max."

"You know, I bet you came in here because of Ron's snoring."

"How would you know that Ron snores?"

"I've heard Dean and Seamus complain about it many times."

He laughed. "Good night, Max."

I smiled. "Good night, Harry." We drifted off to sleep. Neither of us had nightmares for the rest of the night.


We woke up the next morning for our hearing. Mr. Weasley was supposed to be taking us and we were planning to go through London. Because of Mr. Weasley and his fascination with Muggles, he looked around everywhere we went. I thought we would never get to our hearing.

He tried to go through the little doors that Muggles had, but he was having trouble getting through. I needed to remind myself that next time we were not coming this way anymore. Harry pulled out a card and let all three of us through the doors. He had been around Muggles too long. We headed out to a telephone booth, where the three of us squeezed in as Mr. Weasley entered his Muggle money. I wondered how he managed to get it.

Suddenly, we were going down like an elevator. We were at the Ministry of Magic, where tons of people were walking to their jobs. It was our first time being here, and my palms were already sweating. I knew that Fudge wasn't very fond of us anymore. It was all because of last year, when Voldemort returned. He had been brainwashed like everyone else, and it was not a good time for that. They had to face the truth and suck it up. A war was coming. There was no time for people to go on with their lives.

As we entered a crowded elevator, Kingsley came in and whispered something in Mr. Weasley's ear. "Thank you, Kingsley. They've changed the time of your hearing."

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